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Managing Today
S. Robbins Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For courses in Introduction to Management and courses that combine management and organizational behavior.This unique, re-engineered text defines and describes the new "paradigm" brought on by recent... czytaj dalej

Information Systems Foundation of E-Business
S. Alter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For MIS/IS courses for upper undergraduate and MBA.Information Systems, 4/E, emphasizes the essential role of information systems in the works systems through which today's businesses operate. Understanding... czytaj dalej

Introduction to the Game Industry
J. Sward Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For Introduction to Game Industry and Introduction to Game Production courses.With coherent coverage of complex topics, this text offers an overview of how the game industry works and describes how games are... czytaj dalej

Warrior Politics Why Leadership Demands Pagan Ethos
Robert Kaplan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In Warrior Politics, the esteemed journalist and analyst Robert D. Kaplan explores the wisdom of the ages for answers for today#8217;s leaders. While the modern world may seem more complex and dangerous than... czytaj dalej

Six Fundamentals of Success
S. Levine Wydawnictwo: brak danych

#8220;The business environment is so uncertain that no can afford to miss a step. Some forces are out of out control#8211;recessions, cutbacks, layoffs. But being the best we can be at our job is not. We have... czytaj dalej

Business Orchestration
J. Wallin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Digital convergence is redefining industries, and putting information, knowledge and collaboration at the heart of strategic leadership and management. In the face of such change it is those leaders who can... czytaj dalej

Evaluating Hedge Fund Performance
D. Tran Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A comprehensive look at hedge fund performance issues In Evaluating Hedge Fund Performance, Dr. Vinh Tran gives readers the information they need to construct an efficient hedge fund portfolio based on their... czytaj dalej

Goal Directed Project Management Effective Techniques & Stra
K. Grude Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Goal directed project management (GDPM) is a unique methodology that has been developed and refined by the authors over 20 years. During this period, GDPM has been adopted as a standard approach by organizations... czytaj dalej

How To Choose A Franchise
I. Murray Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The number of UK business franchises has more than doubled over the last eight years, to a combined annual turnover ofŁ10 billion. Unlike the majority of business start-ups, most franchises are successful,... czytaj dalej

Excellence in Advertising
Butterfield Wydawnictwo: brak danych

While many books on advertising are written by people whose experience of the industry is either limited or else rather distant in time, Excellence in Advertising, has been created by a group of people who... czytaj dalej