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Thousands of students graduate from university each year. The lucky few have the rest of their lives mapped out in perfect detail but for most, things are not nearly so simple. Armed with your hard-earned... czytaj dalej
Odpowiedź zwolennikom GATT i Globalnego Wolnego Handlu, autor posługując się udokumentowanymi argumentami odpowiada na zarzuty postawione po opublikowaniu "Pułapki". Krytyka rozwiązań przyjętych w Traktacie z Maastricht.... czytaj dalej
Prezentowana książka jest komentarzem znanego polskiego ekonomisty do wydarzeń i spraw nurtujących polską gospodarkę w pierwszych latach XXI wieku. Kształtował się on w formie felietonów publikowanych w latach... czytaj dalej
Financial scandals aren't unknown in US business history, but today's growing problem of executive excesses and self serving behavior is unprecedented in both its persistence and pervasiveness. Executives continue... czytaj dalej
In providing an insightful overview of a wide range of global human resource issues facing MNCs, this pathbreaking Handbook highlights emergent topics and new research findings that could shape the field of... czytaj dalej
Captive Images examines the law's treatment of photographic evidence and uses it to investigate the relationship between law, image and fantasy. Based around the scholarly examination of a bank robbery, in... czytaj dalej
Economic analysis of industrial projects is based on methods which are often simple, sometimes complex, yet always to be applied with rigor.The aim of this book is to help readers assimilate the concepts and... czytaj dalej
How should companies deal with harmful side-effects of their business operations? Should they be held responsible for the wrongdoing of other players? These are crucial issues within the current debate on corporate... czytaj dalej
The systems described in this text have a profound effect on the behaviour of managers throughout financial depositories in areas such as: origination; servicing and brokerage; product-line operating units;... czytaj dalej
Management Strategy: Sustaining Competitive Advantage, 1st edition, by Alfred Marcus, is a strategy book which focuses on how making winning moves is dependent upon finding profitable patterns that repeatedly... czytaj dalej