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W gospodarce rynkowej sukces lub porażka przedsiębiorstwa są w dużej mierze uzależnione od właściwego doboru źródeł finansowania. Optymalizacja struktury kapitału w istotny sposób wpływa na wyniki finansowe... czytaj dalej
Czy warto korzystać z biur informacji gospodarczej? Przeczytaj, jak robią to w Polsce i na świecie. Każdy kto bierze kredyt w Polsce, kupuje na raty lub uzyskuje usługę lub towar z odroczoną płatnością (np... czytaj dalej
Every company has a personality. Does yours help or hinder your results? Does it make you fit for growth? Find out by taking the quiz that#8217;s helped 50,000 people better understand their organisation's... czytaj dalej
For courses in Integrated Marketing Communications, Advertising Principles, and Advertising and Promotions. Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communicationsis a pure IMC text by providing a... czytaj dalej
Whether already experienced with hedge funds or just thinking about investing in them, readers need a firm understanding of this unique investment vehicle in order to achieve maximum success. Hedge Funds unites... czytaj dalej
Based on the findings in recently released archive papers and letters, as well as extensive library and historical resources, Alan Axelrod offers a compelling profile of the remarkable leadership discipline... czytaj dalej
This book collects ten complementary essays on different aspects of financial sector policy for developing and transitional economies. The essays, by leading theoreticians and practitioners, draw on the history... czytaj dalej
The intention of this book is to explain the received wisdom about marketing, and provide the counter-arguments which moderate the debate. It examines what marketing does, and seeks to strike a balance between... czytaj dalej
To many, Thomas Carlyle's put-down of economics as "the dismal science" is as fitting now as it was 150 years ago. But Diane Coyle argues that economics today is more soulful than dismal, a more practical... czytaj dalej
The expertise of prominent researchers has been pooled to critically explore, in a digestable manner, a broad range of emergent areas and advances which impinge on management accounting practice. These include... czytaj dalej