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For the introductory Operations Management course, at both the undergraduate and graduate level. The seventh edition of the K/R text is a complete redesign. While the seventh edition maintains its perspective... czytaj dalej
Throughout the twentieth century, Taiwan was viewed as a model - whether in terms of a model colony, a model China or a development model. This perception was based on the notion of Taiwan undergoing an economic... czytaj dalej
This handbook serves as a source, reference, and teaching supplement for industrial organization (or industrial economics), the broad field within microeconomics that focuses on business behavior and its implications... czytaj dalej
Intense competition in the rapidly growing global market has given rise to a need for superiority in services. Indian customers now demand world-class quality and efficiency, and companies that can provide... czytaj dalej
The regulation of financial intermediaries is a significant challenge to policy makers, particularly those in emerging economies. This volume examines: the best practices in regulation in emerging markets;... czytaj dalej
While the world is still coming to grips with the forces of globalization, Tectonic Shift investigates what the globe's economic and geopolitical future looks like and discovers the unfolding of an unprecedented... czytaj dalej
Information and communication technologies (ICTs) are increasingly seen as integral to the development process. This working paper reviews (a) some of the evidence for the link between telecommunications and... czytaj dalej
Finding ways to alleviate global poverty poses a major challenge for political leaders and intellectuals worldwide. The contributors to this volume, top scholars of international business, examine the effects... czytaj dalej
This book presents Human Resource Management (HRM) as a tool for improving the performance of organizations in developing and transitional countries. It does this through the presentation of an integrated model... czytaj dalej
Ta książka to obszerne dzieło na temat problemów polskich przedsiębiorstw sprywatyzowanych, które autorzy uznają za "probierz jakości transformacji" oraz fenomen przemian gospodarczych. Grono autorów... czytaj dalej