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Canzer's comprehensive approach to e-business centers on four key areas of strategic planning: technology, management, marketing, and finance. In clear contrast to other texts that overlook both management... czytaj dalej
Miller Governmental GAAP Guide discusses all the promulgated accounting principles applicable to financial reporting by state and local governments. It delivers a thorough analysis of GASB Statements, GASB... czytaj dalej
This book collects ten complementary essays on different aspects of financial sector policy for developing and transitional economies. The essays, by leading theoreticians and practitioners, draw on the history... czytaj dalej
The intention of this book is to explain the received wisdom about marketing, and provide the counter-arguments which moderate the debate. It examines what marketing does, and seeks to strike a balance between... czytaj dalej
Książka stanowi tom I treściwej serii przybliżającej studentom i praktykom metody wspomagajaće podejmowanie decyzji. Od początku wykład prowadzony jest na bazie przykładów, z ograniczeniem do niezbędnego minimum... czytaj dalej
Czym się zajmuje ekonomia - wybór ekonomiczny - gospodarka rynkowa - wybór konsumenta, przedsiębiorcy - popyt na dobra konsumpcyjne, czynniki wytwórcze - wolna konkurencja - monopol i konkurencja monopolistyczna... czytaj dalej
To many, Thomas Carlyle's put-down of economics as "the dismal science" is as fitting now as it was 150 years ago. But Diane Coyle argues that economics today is more soulful than dismal, a more practical... czytaj dalej
Marketing Research is a comprehensive textbook specially designed to meet the needs of management students. It combines both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of marketing research, and addresses its... czytaj dalej
"The Elgar Companion to Development Studies" is an innovative and utterly unique reference book that includes original contributions covering development economics as well as development studies broadly... czytaj dalej
As the auto industry moves into its second century, it suffers from low margins and a sclerotic value chain that cannot evolve with customer desires. Inventories of many weeks pile up on dealer lots and at... czytaj dalej