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Marketing Research is a comprehensive textbook specially designed to meet the needs of management students. It combines both the quantitative and qualitative aspects of marketing research, and addresses its... czytaj dalej
W książce na szczególną uwagę zasługuje zaproponowane przez autora modelowe ujęcie zapotrzebowania na kadry kwali?kowane oraz szacowanie kosztów kształcenia jako składnika kapitału ludzkiego. W pracy można... czytaj dalej
Celem niniejszej książki jest przedstawienie podstawowych zagadnień rachunkowości zarządczej i controllingu jako koncepcji i metod rozwiązywania problemów decyzyjnych w organizacji, przy których to problemach... czytaj dalej
As the auto industry moves into its second century, it suffers from low margins and a sclerotic value chain that cannot evolve with customer desires. Inventories of many weeks pile up on dealer lots and at... czytaj dalej
An authoritative, in-depth guide to all aspects of credit analysis from the experts at Standard Poor'sCredit analysis--gauging an issuer's ability to repay interest and principal on a bond issue--plays an... czytaj dalej
Intended for courses in Management Science or Quantitative Methods.This best-selling text has long been considered one of the most student accessible texts for the management science course. The new edition... czytaj dalej
The increasing complexity of insurance and reinsurance products has seen a growing interest amongst actuaries in the modelling of dependent risks. For efficient risk management, actuaries need to be able to... czytaj dalej
Completely revised for the new computerized CPA Exam Published annually, this comprehensive, four-volume study guide for the Certified Public Accountants (CPA) Exam arms readers with detailed outlines and... czytaj dalej
This volume assembles and presents a new database on bank regulation in over 150 countries (included also on CD). It offers the first comprehensive cross-country assessment of the impact of bank regulation... czytaj dalej
The location of new housing development has become one of the most intractable controversies of modern times. This book provides a powerful critique of the growing tendency to reduce the debate on the development... czytaj dalej