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'. . . the collection deserves to be read by anyone with an interest in the role of the commercial banks in the financial landscape of that region. Professor Masciandaro is to be congratulated in bringing together... czytaj dalej
Ted Levitt is one of the most widely respected thinkers in the field of marketing and management. His work and writings have changed the way scores of companies think about their businesses, organize for innovation... czytaj dalej
The world of credit is fraught with peril. First, there's the enormous and growing risk of identity theft, which victimized nearly 10 million Americans in 2003 alone. But the quieter risks are just as real:... czytaj dalej
To kompendium wiedzy systematyzujące zagadnienia z zakresu funkcjonowania podmiotów gospodarczych działających w branży turystycznej. Autor podjął wysiłek wyjaśnienia istoty i zakresu działalności przedsiębiorstw... czytaj dalej
W okresie kilku ostatnich lat obserwujemy gwałtowny wzrost zainteresowania kredytami mieszkaniowymi. Ubiegają się o nie już setki tysięcy osób. Nie odbywa się to bez problemów. Przed uzyskaniem kredytu trzeba... czytaj dalej
Scheduled to implemented in December 2006, the New Basel Capital Accord (Basel II) has been formulated as a measure to address the perceived failings of the first Basel Accord in harmonizing international bank... czytaj dalej
This concise handbook provides general information on the impact of mold on the real estate industry and offers some practical advice on managing the problems associated with its presence. Streater (a trainer... czytaj dalej
Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis, by Blocher/Chen/Lin was the first cost accounting text to offer strategic management topics in conjunction with traditional cost accounting material. The text was written... czytaj dalej
A cleanroom is a contamination-controlled environment and is essential in the industrial manufacture of many electronic, semiconductor, optical, pharmaceutical and medical products. The use of cleanrooms for... czytaj dalej
Topics include: * record keeping for cash collection * strategies for enhanced cash collection * implementing integrated collection and transmission programs * case studies and sample exercises * integrating... czytaj dalej