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How the age-old art of storytelling can transform the way we communicate - and the way we do business? From 'who I am' to 'I-know-what-you're-thinking', the author identifies the six stories you need to know... czytaj dalej
Structured Products Volume 1 consists of 4 Parts and 20 Chapters covering applications of derivatives, the creation of synthetic assets using derivatives (such as asset swaps, structured notes and repackaged... czytaj dalej
The fifth edition of the Miller European Accounting Guide delivers critical new information on the vastly different accounting systems of European countries. Disparate regulations, customs, and accounting practices... czytaj dalej
'A profoundly important book for scholars and leaders alike that makes a vital timely contribution to the behavioral perspectives on leadership and governance. Doh and Stumpf, along with their world-renowned... czytaj dalej
Autorzy pokazali, że po spełnieniu pewnych warunków uczestnictwo w europejskiej integracji pozwoli polskiej gospodarce odnosić korzyści z globalizacji, a jednocześnie chronić ją przed niektórymi jej niebezpieczeństwami.... czytaj dalej
Kompleksowe przedstawienie zastosowania metod wielowymiarowej analizy porównawczej w inwestycjach giełdowych. Wszystkie rozważania są zilustrowane przykładami z polskiego rynku kapitałowego wraz z prezentacją... czytaj dalej
This book presents a collection of readings which give the reader an idea of the nature and scope of unobserved components (UC) models and the methods used to deal with them. It contains four parts, three of... czytaj dalej
Identifying policy topics, this book discusses key international issues when they matter. It also features papers which are specially commissioned from economists and experts in the policy field.... czytaj dalej
Firm valuation is currently a very exciting topic. It is interesting for those economists engaged in either practice or theory, particularly for those in finance. The literature on firm valuation recommends... czytaj dalej
Wiley GAAP for Governments 2006 is a comprehensive guide to the accounting and financial reporting principles used by state and local governments as well as other governmental entities. Financial statement... czytaj dalej