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Marketing has situated itself as an indispensable tool in today's business world-an unavoidable step in the process from production to consumption. This book is the first of its kind to map out the organizing... czytaj dalej
Written for managers and professionals in business and industry, this book helps the reader in: Understanding what is and is not IFRS Learning the complexities of IFRS implementation Appreciating the... czytaj dalej
Data Warehousing and Mining (DWM) is the science of managing and analyzing large datasets and discovering novel patterns and in recent years has emerged as a particularly exciting and industrially relevant... czytaj dalej
Książka przygotowana jest z myślą o wykorzystaniu teorii rachunkowości w zadaniach rozwiązywanych metodą tradycyjną oraz komputerowo. Do podręcznika dołączone sa na płycie kompaktowej pliki instalacyjne wersji... czytaj dalej
Autor ukazał sytuację społeczną, polityczną i gospodarczą III Rzeczpospolitej, spowodowaną działaniami ekip postkomunistów i liberałów rządzących Polską w latach 1989-2005, które doprowadziły do tego, że Polska... czytaj dalej
Proposing new theoretically sound indexes for measuring trade restrictiveness, with empirical results that show their application. A country's stance on international trade is an important component of its... czytaj dalej
The latest edition of Curt White's top-selling text maintains a balanced approach between the technical and the practical aspects of data communications, providing a solid understanding not only of how things... czytaj dalej
"This is easily the most courageous and personal business book since Bill George's Authentic Leadership. I hope it's message is embraced worldwide".Charles Decker, author, Lessons from the HiveNext... czytaj dalej
Forecasting electricity prices and loads is a critical function of both regulated utilities and power marketers. Regulated utilities make decisions regarding capacity expansion, fuel acquisitions, and electricity... czytaj dalej
Ahh, the life of a manager. You're squeezed between the needs of your corporation, your team, your customers, and your colleagues. Too often, you're maligned, misunderstood, downsized, reengineered, reorganized... czytaj dalej