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Material Architecture
Fernandez Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Composed of a series of essays, this book deals with the broad issues affecting the nature of architectural materials and provides a focused review of the state of the art materials. It also provides designers... czytaj dalej

Crisis Management in the Tourism Industry
Glaesser Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The tourism industry is arguably one of the most important sources of income and foreign exchange, and is growing rapidly. However, national and international crises have huge negative economic consequences... czytaj dalej

Principles of Neuroepidemiology
Batchelor Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This unique text offers practitioners both a review of the basic concepts of epidemiology, statistics, and clinical trials and a discussion of the epidemiologic aspects of many neurological diseases. Much of... czytaj dalej

Anterior Segment Complications of Contact Lens Wear
Silbert Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Grand rounds case reports open each chapter and provide a clinically realistic scenario for the theoretical, clinical, and pragmatic information in the text. Thirty-five world-renowned authorities thoroughly... czytaj dalej

Clinical Trials in Neurologic Practice
Peter Biller Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This unique volume provides you with everything you need to know about clinical trials for neurologic disorders and how to assess them. The authors have taken the past decade's significant advances in the therapeutics... czytaj dalej

Invention of the Model
Waller Wydawnictwo: inne

Although mastery of the representation of the human figure was central to art making as early as the fifteenth century in Europe, in the nineteenth-century French imagination the artist's model became identified... czytaj dalej

Economists in Parliament in the Liberal Age
M. Augello Wydawnictwo: inne

This detailed volume explores the role and actions of economists in US, Japanese and various European parliaments in the critical period between 1848 and 1920. Featuring chapters written by an international... czytaj dalej

Remaking Europe in the Margins
C. Browning Wydawnictwo: inne

This comprehensive volume examines the issue of Europe-making related to the post EU/NATO enlargement and the post 9/11 situation. Dual enlargement and the War on Terrorism are raising important questions for... czytaj dalej

Park Avenue Cubists Gallatin Morris Frelinghuysen & Shaw
D. Balken Wydawnictwo: inne

The Park Avenue Cubists explores the work of a group of American artists committed to the belief that American abstraction could make a unique contribution to the evolution of the visual experiments begun by... czytaj dalej

Media Literacy 2e
W. Potter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This updated Second Edition of Media Literacy introduces the fascinating world that operates behind visible media messages. This accessible edition includes updated figures and information about computers and... czytaj dalej