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Back Pain Revolution
Gordon Waddell Wydawnictwo: inne

A handbook for all clinicians concerned with the management of back pain. It presents the latest British and American guidelines for the management of non-specific low back pain together with a summary of the... czytaj dalej

Diagnostic Immunochemistry 2e
D. Dabbs Wydawnictwo: inne

The New Edition of this popular text features world-renowned experts who offer the most current information and reliable guidance on immunohistochemical diagnoses in surgical pathology and cytopathology. The... czytaj dalej

Therapeutic Touch
Sayre-Adams Wydawnictwo: inne

Therapeutic Touch involves a variety of specific processes intended to help and heal. It is more than the comforting touch of patients; it is a set of interactions that all healthcare practitioners can incorporate... czytaj dalej

Postharvest Pathogens & Disease Management
P. Narayanasamy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

POSTHARVEST PATHOGENS AND DISEASE MANAGEMENT Postharvest diseases caused by microbial pathogens account for millions of dollars in losses of both durable and perishable produce products every year. Moreover... czytaj dalej

When Line Bends Shape Begins
Rhonda Greene Wydawnictwo: brak danych

With jaunty rhyming text, young readers are invited to find different shapes on each busy, vibrant page. The perfect book for little ones beginning to distinguish shapes. "A well-conceived, bouncy and... czytaj dalej

Hopkins Work of Michael Hopkins and Partners
C. Davies Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Ten years ago it was reasonable to apply the label ... czytaj dalej

Divine Order
P. Vergo Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Ever since antiquity, philosophers have pointed to the supposed 'divine' character of music, and following Pythagoras's discovery of the mathematical basis of the musical scale, have posited a link between... czytaj dalej

Essentials of Radiology
Mettler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This best-selling radiology primer clearly explains the basic principles and clinical applications of plain film, CT, MRI, and nuclear medicine. Written in straightforward, accessible language and assuming... czytaj dalej

Small Animal Toxicology
M. Peterson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This revised and expanded reference is a valuable aid for the practicing veterinary clinician in diagnosing and determining treatment for toxic exposures in small animals, and for veterinary students as a supplement... czytaj dalej

Dental Radiography
Haring Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Dental Radiography 3e focuses on the essential principles of radiation and the technical skills necessary for the safe and effective use of radiation in the dental office. The book serves as both a textbook... czytaj dalej