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Religion Violence & Politcal Mobilisation
R. Kaur Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume provide a multidisciplinary thematic exploration of religious violence in South Asia. The contributors examine the actual organization of violence, the role of governmental agencies and state... czytaj dalej

Politics of Autonomy
R. Samaddar Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The purpose of this critical political inquiry is to look into the conditions and dimensions of autonomy, their historical nature, and their political significance in terms of enriching democracy. The volume... czytaj dalej

Politics of Autonomy
R. Samaddar Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The book is a critical political inquiry into the idea of autonomy - namely, the efforts of various sections of society to resist the power of the state. It highlights that as movements by women, ethnic groups... czytaj dalej

Participatory Citizenship
R. Mohanty Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book offers an extended discussion of citizenship and participation based on the experience of people largely excluded from the processes of governance and development. The contributors to this volume... czytaj dalej

Essential Study Skills Complete Guide to Success atUniversit
T. Burns Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Essential Study Skills is designed to be the complete practical guide to academic success covering everything from what it means to be a university student to how to succeed in exams. `The effect on our... czytaj dalej

SAGE Handbook of Evaluation
A. Shaw Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"The SAGE Handbook of Evaluation" is a unique and authoritative resource consisting of twenty five chapters covering a range of evaluation theories and techniques in a single, accessible volume. With... czytaj dalej

Business of Media
Croteau Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Sociologists Croteau and Hoynes offer a critical analysis of the rapidly changing media industry. They examine the influence that media have on US society, with particular attention paid to the tension between... czytaj dalej

Human Biology
D. Chiras Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Intended for non-majors, this textbook describes the structure and functions of each human body system, explores the body processes that regulate chemical levels in the blood and body temperature, and overviews... czytaj dalej

Pediatric Pathology 2 vols
M. Stocker Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Drugie wydanie Pediatric Pathology uaktualniono w oparciu o aktualny stan wiedzy oraz w celu ujęcia przede wszystkim praktycznych aspektów tego działu patomorfologii. Tekst został podzielony na dwie części... czytaj dalej

Arthritis & Allied Conditions Textbook of Rheumat. 2 vols
Koopman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Referred to as the "Bible of Rheumatology," this two-volume reference has an established reputation as the definitive source of rheumatologic information. The Fourteenth Edition offers new contributors... czytaj dalej