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Politics of Globalisation & Polarisation
Maurice Mullard Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book deals with the nature of contemporary globalisation. Maurice Mullard's aim is to show that globalisation is not an inescapable, unstoppable process somehow beyond human control, rather that it represents... czytaj dalej

Bioanalytical Chemistry
Manz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Interdisciplinary knowledge is becoming more and more important to the modern scientist. This textbook covers bioanalytical chemistry (mainly the analysis of proteins and DNA) and explains everything for the... czytaj dalej

Evolutionary Methods in Biotechnology
S. Brakmann Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Miniturization and high throughput assay technology have brought the power of molecular evolution to the bioscience laboratory. Applied wisely, the evolutionary approach can quickly yield the desired result... czytaj dalej

Apoptosis & Inflammation
J. Winkler Wydawnictwo: inne

Reviewing the characteristics of apoptosis, its regulation and its role in physiology and diseases, this text goes on to focus on three areas as they relate to infammatory cells: signals; effects at cellular... czytaj dalej

Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2002
L.M. Tierney Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A comprehensive reference ready to answer common questions in everyday clinical practice. Includes information on over 1000 diseases and disorders with and emphasis on prevention and cost-effective treatments... czytaj dalej

Finklestein Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"PreTest" offers a complete study regimen for course work or USMLE preparation. The "PreTest Basic Science Series" features: multiple choice questions that parallel the format and degree... czytaj dalej

Chemistry Demystified
L. Williams Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book is uniquely useful in that it contains ChemBites, tips, scientific news, and "cutting edge" industry applications, which update readers on outdated or unavailable information in textbooks... czytaj dalej

General Surgery Source Book
Kogon Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Over 200 discrete topics, covering the full spectrum of general surgery and the surgical sub-specialties. Each topic will be presented in a bulleted, outline-oriented format. Extensive coverage of pathophysiology... czytaj dalej

International Review of Cytology v173
K. Jeon Wydawnictwo: inne

International Review of Cytology presents current advances and comprehensive reviews in cell biology-both plant and animal. Articles address structure and control of gene expression, nucleocytoplasmic interactions... czytaj dalej

Manual of Field Hydrogeology
L. Sanders Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For upper-level undergraduate or graduate-level courses in Field Hydrogeology.This field-oriented text/manual provides background information on the WHYs of field work as well as step-by-step procedures for... czytaj dalej