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Controlling Design Variants
A. Ericsson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An increasing number of successful manufacturing companies use the notion of modules and product platforms. But, what is a module and how can modular product platforms increase company efficiency while reducing... czytaj dalej

Reed's Engineering Knowledge Instruments & Control Systems
Embleton Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book presents the principles covered by the DoT examination papers in Engineering Knowledge, Instruments and Control Systems for Master (foreign-going). It also briefly revises that part of the General... czytaj dalej

Trust & Betrayal in Workplace
D. Reina Wydawnictwo: inne

In today's competitive global economy, organisations sometimes must make difficult or even painful changes. For them to be successful, it is vital that people trust each other. Trust an Betrayal in the Workplace... czytaj dalej

International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics & Mechanic
T. Takagi Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This publication contains a selection of 124 papers among the 165 full-length contributions which were submitted on-site at ISEM 2003. The objective of the symposia series is to vigorously promote the research... czytaj dalej

Reorganizing Data & Voice Networks
Koehler Wydawnictwo: inne

With the emergence of new technologies like Voice over IP and Wireless LANs, the decentralization of enterprises, and the increased mobility of employees in the work force, separate data and voice networks... czytaj dalej

Economic Crisis Management
T. Hoa Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'. . . the book is informative and interesting for readers. Both academics and policymakers can benefit from the theoretical perspectives and the insight into the countries' experiences.'- Sakulrat Montreevat... czytaj dalej

Rights Resources & Rural Development
Ch Fabricius Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) refers to rural people managing and using natural resources to enhance their livelihoods. It is now widely recognized that much if the Earth's biodiversity... czytaj dalej

Mystiker der Revolution. Der utopische Diskurs um die Jahrhundertwende. Gustav Landauer - Frederik v
Anna Wołkowicz Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego

Mistyczny dyskurs rewolucji współtworzyli na przełomie XIX i XX intelektualiści różnych opcji światopoglądowych i politycznych, od wyznawcy etycznego anarchizmu Gustava Landauera po uczonego-ezoteryka Ericha... czytaj dalej

Foreign Bodies
M. Gaspar Wydawnictwo: inne

Christoph Zellweger is a jewellery designer, whose approach is cross-disciplinary. He creates hybrid objects and contemplative works of art and develops products, interactive installations and exhibition events. ... czytaj dalej

Social Pollution and Women's Health
Kirkham Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In this book, a team of international contributors examine bodies, leakage and boundaries, illuminating the contradictions and dilemmas in women’s healthcare. Using the concept of pollution, this book highlights... czytaj dalej