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A to Z of DNA Science
J. Witherly Wydawnictwo: inne

Medical science constantly demands our attention, as patients or relatives, concerned citizens, or simply curious individuals. But for those without training, the language of science is often hard to follow... czytaj dalej

Prion Biology & Diseases 2e
Stanley Prusiner Wydawnictwo: inne

Provides an authoritative source on recent research in the study of prions, which are implicated in spongiform encephalopthies such as kuru and bovine encephalopathy. Early chapters provide an introduction... czytaj dalej

Reed's Engineering Knowledge Instruments & Control Systems
Embleton Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book presents the principles covered by the DoT examination papers in Engineering Knowledge, Instruments and Control Systems for Master (foreign-going). It also briefly revises that part of the General... czytaj dalej

Vertical Markets & Cooperative Hierarchies
K. Kostas Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Vertical Markets and Cooperative Hierarchies" comprises a selection of sixteen newly written essays that provide clarification to issues pertinent to contemporary cooperatives. Twenty three internationally... czytaj dalej

Great Graphics on a Budget
Simon Dixon Wydawnictwo: angielskie

What graphic designer hasn't heard, "we don't have much of a budget"? All too often this is the sad truth. Designers must not only come up with attention-grabbing ideas but, more frequently, do it... czytaj dalej

Trust & Betrayal in Workplace
D. Reina Wydawnictwo: inne

In today's competitive global economy, organisations sometimes must make difficult or even painful changes. For them to be successful, it is vital that people trust each other. Trust an Betrayal in the Workplace... czytaj dalej

Classis Works in RF Engineering Combiners Couplers Transform
Myer Wydawnictwo: inne

The growing interest in commercial RF applications and high-frequency engineering has triggered a scramble for fundamental design and analysis information, which until now has been largely scattered in the... czytaj dalej

Negotiating Environmental Change
F. Berkhout Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Global environmental change will be with us forever, but how it happens in the future, and with what effect on the planet and its peoples, depends to a large extent on how the international agreements, national... czytaj dalej

ESMO Handbook of Oncological Emergencies
F. Andre Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Young medical oncologists, who may often find themselves faced by major complications caused by cancer or by cancer treatment, will welcome this handbook as a highly useful tool to develop their knowledge and... czytaj dalej

Yearbook of ICED 2003-2004
S. Stokke Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The Yearbook of International Co-operation on Environment and Development aims to demonstrate the status of collaboration, the main obstacles to effective international solutions, and how to overcome them.... czytaj dalej