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Recombinant Protein Drugs
P. Buckel Wydawnictwo: inne

Recombinant protein drugs are intimately associated with the impressive success story of the biotech industry during the past 30 years, some of them belonging to the most successful pharmaceutical products... czytaj dalej

Problem of Integrable Discretization
Y. Suris Wydawnictwo: inne

An exploration of the theory of discrete integrable systems, with an emphasis on the following general problem: how to discretize one or several of independent variables in a given integrable system of differential... czytaj dalej

Von Gerkan Marg & Partner Buildings 1965-2006
G. Khler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From China to Russia, Italy to Qatar, this book includes the complete collection of projects built by the internationally award-winning architecture firm von Gerkan, Marg and Partner, which celebrates its fortieth... czytaj dalej

Neurochirurgische Intensivmedizin
S. Stubner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Dieses Handbuch gibt Intensivmedizinern eine Übersicht über aktuelle Behandlungsprinzipien und konkrete Therapien schwerer Krankheitsbilder bei neurochirurgischen Patienten. Eine praxisnahe Darstellung von... czytaj dalej

Gemeinsame Entscheidung in der Krebstherapie
H. Bartsch Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Die Krebsdiagnose verandert ein Leben von heute auf morgen. Das Gefuhl der existentiellen Bedrohung und die Hoffnung auf Heilung sind verbunden mit der Angst vor belastenden Therapien mit ungewissem Ausgang... czytaj dalej

Mechanisms of Epithelial Defense
Kabelitz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Epithelial defense against infectious agents relies on the recognition of microbial products by pattern recognition receptors and the local production of antimicrobial peptides. This book provides a state-of-the-art... czytaj dalej

Europaisches Vertragsrecht 2
K. Riesenhuber Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Presents the European contract law classified by factual issues. This book provides students as well as practitioners, information about individual issues, and introduces an overview of the field of law. ... czytaj dalej

Ranking Desing 2003-2004
Buck Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This work offers an analysis of Germany's top 19 professional design awards over the year. ... czytaj dalej

Out of Error
D. Miller Wydawnictwo: inne

If there has been some modest advance, since Karl Popper's death in 1994, in the general understanding of his critical rationalist theory of knowledge and philosophy of science, there is still widespread resistance... czytaj dalej

IPM System In Agriculture v 3 Cereals
R. Upadhyay Wydawnictwo: inne

collection of 17 review articles by scientists of international repute, that include all important insect pests and diseases of major cereals dealing biology, damage symptoms, life history, host-parasite interaction... czytaj dalej