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Men & Masculinities 4 vols
S. Whitehead Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The sociology of masculinity only began to assume a real significance from the late 1980s onwards, when it emerged out of the second-wave of feminist research sweeping through American, European and Australasian... czytaj dalej

Bóg wojny rozmowy z ogotemmelim
Marcel Griaule Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Marek Derewiecki

Szczególnie ważne dla współczesnej lektury Boga wody jest to, że Griaule, by zapewnić swoim ideom szerszy odbiór, nadał książce formę literacką atrakcyjniejszą pod względem estetycznym od przeciętnej książki... czytaj dalej

Historical Atlas of the Islamic World
Azim Nanji, Malise Ruthven Wydawnictwo: angielskie

There is without question immense general and academic interest in theIslamic world at present. After the attacks on New York and Washington inSeptember 2001 and the wars on Afghanistan and Iraq, `Islamic Fundamentalism... czytaj dalej

New American Interventionism
D. Caraley Wydawnictwo: inne

Drawing a portrait of American military intervention since the end of the Cold War, the essays in this text examine specific interventions including: Bosnia; Haiti; the Gulf War; and South Korea. In the process... czytaj dalej

Haunted in the New World
Weber Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Haunted in the New World is a superb, insightful, and acutely intelligentpiece of work. It makes a real contribution to the understanding of ethnicity ingeneral and Jewish American culture in particular... czytaj dalej

Media & Sovereignty
M. Price Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Media have been central to government efforts to reinforce sovereignty and define national identity, but globalization is fundamentally altering media practices, institutions, and content. More than the activities... czytaj dalej

Art in the Service of Colonialism
H. Irbouch Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Art in the Service of Colonialism" throws new light on how nothing in the Moroccan French Protectorate (1912-1956) escaped the imprints of metropolitan ideology and how the French transformed and... czytaj dalej

Families & Estates
Rosalind Croucher Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume continues the work of the International Academy of Estate and Trust Law in 2003 and 2004 in examining through the juxtaposition of civil and common law jurisdictions areas of fundamental importance... czytaj dalej

South Asia in the World
R. Thakur Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Presents issues of particular relevance to the region, and explores the potential for improvement both in domestic and international efforts at alleviating the problems of South Asia. ... czytaj dalej

Child Development with PowerWeb
J. Santrock Wydawnictwo: angielskie

John Santrock's Child Development is widely adopted for being the most accurate and up-to-date, topically-organized text on the market. The learning goals-driven learning system has helped students across the... czytaj dalej