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Sage Dictionary of Sociology
S. Bruce Wydawnictwo: angielskie

`Steve Bruce's and Steven Yearley's The SAGE Dictionary of Sociology is undoubtedly the most accessible, readable and downright interesting - even amusing - dictionary of its type. In being all of those things... czytaj dalej

Group Cohesion Trust & Solodarity
S. Thye Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The "Advances in Group Processes" series publishes theoretical analyses, reviews and theory-based empirical chapters on group phenomena. Volume 19 includes papers that address fundamental issues of... czytaj dalej

Colonization & Community
C. Belshaw Wydawnictwo:

In Colonization and Community John Belshaw takes a new look at British Columbia's first working class: the men, women, and children beneath and beyond the pit-head. Beginning with an exploration of emigrant... czytaj dalej

Holy War
D. New Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book addresses the idea that the recent rise in Christian, Jewish, and Muslim fundamentalism, and the interactions of the three, endanger peace in the Middle East. It fully examines the thesis that apocalyptic... czytaj dalej

Definitive Journals of Lewis & Clark 2-8 vols
G. Moulton Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Since the time of Columbus, explorers dreamed of a water passage across the North American continent. President Thomas Jefferson shared this dream. He conceived the Corps of Discovery to travel up the Missouri... czytaj dalej

Asian American Women
L. Trinh Vo Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Asian American Women brings together landmark scholarship about Asian American women that has appeared in Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies over the last twenty-five years. The essays, written by established... czytaj dalej

Jews in the Twentieth Century An Illustrated History
M. Gilbert Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Historian Gilbert provides a survey of Jewish history from 1900 to 2000, with decade-by-decade chapters recounting events in many countries and describing the individuals, communities, movements, and troubles... czytaj dalej

Guide to International Relations & Diplomacy
Fry Wydawnictwo: inne

An invaluable guide to international relations and diplomacy, covering the international system, crises and meetings, policies and doctrines, force and diplomacy, common international space and diplomatic relations... czytaj dalej

Faith Of Our Fathers Reflections On Catholic Tradition
C. Duffy Wydawnictwo: inne

Professor Eamon Duffy is an outstanding scholar who has revolutionised late medieval and Reformation studies through the publication of such books as The Stripping of the Altars (Yale UP). But Duffy has always... czytaj dalej

Black in the British Frame
Stephen Bourne Wydawnictwo: inne

In this updated edition of his acclaimed and award-winning study, Stephen Bourne takes a personal look at the history of black people in popular British film and television. He documents, from original research... czytaj dalej