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For one quarter/semester courses in World History emphasizing the 20th century.The World in the Twentieth Century discusses the major political and economic changes that have reshaped global relations and focuses... czytaj dalej
Poradnik antyunijny. Autor prezentuje w nim swoją głęboką troskę o losy ojczyzny i przywiązanie do tradycji konstruując mocne tytuły kolejnych rozdziałów: "Przodkowie z grobów krzyczą: Nie do UE!"... czytaj dalej
This how-to book gives concrete suggestions and step-by-step guidance for both beginning and experienced teachers. It focuses on the practical application of computers and the internet to the everyday tasks... czytaj dalej
Bored teenager Curzio Inghirami staged perhaps the most outlandish prank of the seventeenth century when he hatched a wild scheme that preyed on the Italian fixation with ancestry by forging an array of ancient... czytaj dalej
Since September 11, 2001, much has been said about the difficult balancing act between freedom and security, but few have made specific proposals for how to strike that balance. As the scandals over the abuse... czytaj dalej
Cultural Democracy explores the crisis of our national cultural vitality, as access to the arts becomes increasingly mediated by a handful of corporations and the narrow tastes of wealthy elites. Graves offers... czytaj dalej
This book locates the analysis of political violence within the sociological and criminological debate. It addresses forms of political violence from below (collective violence, insurgency, armed struggle,... czytaj dalej
Presents a mix of classic and contemporary research in an accessible style that emphasises the relevance of the findings to students' own lives. ... czytaj dalej
From 1906 onwards the Teubner Verlag in Leipzig published the first volumes of an ambitious encyclopedia "Die Kultur der Gegenwart, ihre Entwicklung und ihre Ziele" under the general editorship of... czytaj dalej
In a world global Warming and climate change are becoming matters of daily concern in the life of citizens, this book is a timely reminder of the rights conferred on them to protect the environment. Environment... czytaj dalej