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This philosophical-political profile offers the first of its kind intellectual reconstruction of Habermas' defining existential and historical situations, his generational profile and interventions, his impact... czytaj dalej
The detektiv, Russia's version of the murder mystery, has conquered what in Soviet days loved to call itself the most reading nation on earth. The first full-length study of the genre, Russian Pulp vividly... czytaj dalej
This is the eighth edition of the successful civil liberties guide Your Rights. Now expanded and extended in scope to include all new legislation that has come into force since the last edition was published... czytaj dalej
"Children With Special Needs" presents a new approach to disability among children - the transdisciplinary approach (TD). The basis of this method, which is demonstrated with case studies, is that... czytaj dalej
Presenting a wide range of narratives on communal violence from a Muslim perspective, this unique book explores some interesting questions. What are the ways in which the memories of violence bring about shifts... czytaj dalej
The study of social divisions has dominated research within the social sciences since the nineteenth century. Early stratification categories of class, race, and gender, have in more recent years been joined... czytaj dalej
Russia's Bolshevik Revolution began in 1917 and has remained a controversial political and academic battleground, fought over for almost a century. It has been demonized-its more sinister aspects used as an... czytaj dalej
By focussing on child care and systematically comparing national experiences in Belgium, France, Italy, Sweden, and the European Union, Who Cares? provides an enormous amount of information on recent child... czytaj dalej
A behind-the-scenes study of the Brooklyn-based Lubavitcher Hasidim sect describes their evangelical efforts to transform the lives of fellow Jews and to make them more observant of their religion and profiles... czytaj dalej
John Calvin's (1509-64) influence reaches from the Reformation to Karl Barth and beyond. Outstanding as biblical scholar, preacher and practical Church reformer, Calvin intended all his work to serve the Word... czytaj dalej