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Racism And Racial Identity
Blitz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In this collection of 15 articles contributors consider the emotional and psychological impact of racism, urban culture and identity in the context of racism, building antiracist systems in social and mental... czytaj dalej

Legal Environment of Business & Online Commerce
Henry Cheeseman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For courses in Legal Environment of Business. This best-selling text focuses on how the legal environment impacts business decisions, representing the single most up-to-date book available for the Legal Environment... czytaj dalej

Media Law
D. Bloy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Media Law" is an essential and accessible introduction to the subject that will assist media; journalism and law students understand key concepts and aid their revision. This book, designed to complement... czytaj dalej

Understanding the CDM Regulations
Griffiths Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Understanding the CDM Regulations provides the construction professional with practical guidelines for the implementation of the Construction Design and Management regulations. The 1994 regulations have imposed... czytaj dalej

SAGE Handbook of Political Advertising
L. Kaid Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The contributors to "The SAGE Handbook of Political Advertising" examine the differences, as well as the similarities of political advertising among the electoral processes of democracies globally... czytaj dalej

Politics of Religion
Haynes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This new title explores some of the key issues which surround the politics of religion, an area which has historically been the cause of great controversy. Today religion is still the cause of a great deal... czytaj dalej

Year That Defined American Journalism
J. Campbell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Year that Defined American Journalism explores the succession of remarkable and decisive moments in American journalism during 1897--a year of significant transition that helped redefine the profession... czytaj dalej

European Muslims and the Secular State
J. Cesari Wydawnictwo: inne

The institutionalization of Islam in the West continues to raise many questions for a range of different constituencies. Secularization represents much more than the legal separation of politics and religion... czytaj dalej

Legends of Our Time
E. Wiesel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Originally published by Holt, Rinehart and Winston in 1968, and subsequently by Schocken Books in 1982. This reprint makes available Wiesel's graceful and emotionally charged biographical narrative. Annotation... czytaj dalej

Letters & Dispatches of John Churchill First Duke of v.2
Malborough Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Written by one of the great captains of history, Marlborough's Letters and Dispatches constitutes a basic source for the War of the Spanish Succession. ... czytaj dalej