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This book aims to distil the essentials of liberal constitutionalism from the jurisprudence and practice of contemporary liberal-democratic states. Most constitutional theorists have despaired of a liberal... czytaj dalej
Drawing on twenty years of merger analysis literature, this single source offers practical solutions to a wide range of problems faced by specialists working in the field of mergers and acquisitions. The authors... czytaj dalej
Piersza w języku polskim książka Agnes Heller - światowej sławy węgierskiej filozof - to wyjątkowy dokument, zapis jej wizyty w Lublinie na przełomie lutego i marca 2005 roku. Wygłoszone wówczas wykłady i seminarium... czytaj dalej
"Seeking Security in an Insecure World" is intended to provide a brief but thorough introduction to contemporary security studies. With clear and lively prose, compelling examples, and solid scholarship... czytaj dalej
The focus of this edited collection is a thoughtful multidisciplinary presentation of past and present U.S. drug policies and whether they are winning the so-called war on drugs (they aren't!). For the great... czytaj dalej
Designed to encourage critical thinking about history, "The Major Problems in American History Series" introduces students to both primary sources and analytical essays on important topics in U.S... czytaj dalej
The top-selling text in its field, International Relations, provides unparalleled coverage of international political economy, traditional and alternative theoretical perspectives, technology, and contemporary... czytaj dalej
Henry R. Nau's concise and accessible text offers a framework that enables students to recognize and evaluate the different perspectives through which we try to make sense of international politics. Nau shows... czytaj dalej
In the last fifteen years or so, a wide community of artists working in a variety of western European nations have overturned the dominant traditions of comic book publishing as it has existed since the end... czytaj dalej
W niniejszym tomie prezentujemy czytelnikowi prace ofiarowane Profesorowi Jerzemu Perzanowskiemu. Formalną okazją jest sześćdziesiąta rocznica urodzin Profesora przypadająca w kwietniu 2003 roku. Jednakże obok... czytaj dalej