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This work, edited and written by leading experts in the fields of domain name dispute resolution and trade mark law from around the world, provides a comprehensive analysis of the law and practice relating... czytaj dalej
El Arte de Ensońar, el noveno y mas reciente libro de Carlos Castaneda, aparece despues de un período de seis ańos de silencio del autor."Don juan", escribe Carlos Castaneda en prólogo, "era... czytaj dalej
This book offers an account of an unprecedented North American study of contemporary female and male strip shows. It particularly focuses on the contradictory sex roles, cultural positions, and performance... czytaj dalej
How can qualitative researchers make the case for the value of their work in a climate that emphasizes so-called "scientifically-based research?" What is the future of qualitative research when such... czytaj dalej
This book highlights the strategic deployment of a straight identity by an LGBT organization. Cortese explores the ways in which activists strategically use a "straight" identity as a social movement... czytaj dalej
Starting with 9/11 and continuing with the struggle for peace in Iraq, the West has been forced to interact more fully with the civilization of Islam. In The Universal Hunger for Liberty, statesman and award-winning... czytaj dalej
Combining the expertise of two successful Houghton Mifflin authors, this handbook offers students a practical, "how-to" approach to speaking throughout their academic and professional careers. In... czytaj dalej
In this landmark book, His Holiness offers practical views on meditation: the various approaches we can take, and what we may gain from it. ... czytaj dalej
This classic book explores the intellectual, political and social foundations of Islamism, and current Islamist groups across the Arab and Muslim worlds. Written by Egyptian philosopher and leading Arab intellectual... czytaj dalej
We may enjoy freedom of speech, but when dealing with certain subjects - for instance death, poverty, physical appearance - we are rarely free to express ourselves directly. Personal shame, the frailty of those... czytaj dalej