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Europeans Essays on Culture & Identity
A. Daun Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A collection of essays on national identity within Europe ... czytaj dalej

South Asia in the World
R. Thakur Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Presents issues of particular relevance to the region, and explores the potential for improvement both in domestic and international efforts at alleviating the problems of South Asia. ... czytaj dalej

Social Psychology
J. Brown Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Focusing on research methodology and scientific thinking, Jonathan Brown's Introduction to Social Psychology is a new text that helps students understand the experimental nature of Social Psychology. The text's... czytaj dalej

Metaphysics As a Guide to Morals
Murdoch Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

'Iris Murdoch has written a book which concerns all of us as human beings-There are pages here that one wants to embrace her for, pages that say things of fundamental human importance in a way that they have... czytaj dalej

Technology Humans & Society
Richard Dorf Wydawnictwo: inne

A number of factors, from soaring fuel prices to genetically modified agricultural products, have greatly refocused worldwide attention on the interrelationship between technology and society and the necessity... czytaj dalej

They Lie We Lie Getting on With Anthropology
P. Metcalf Wydawnictwo: angielskie

They Lie, We Lie is an attempt by an experienced fieldworker to engage recent critiques in ethnography, that is the writing of culture, made both from within anthropology and from such disciplines as cultural... czytaj dalej

Re-thinking History
Jenkins Wydawnictwo: angielskie

History means many things to many people. But finding an answer to the question 'What is history?' is a task few feel equipped to answer nowadays. And yet, at the same time, history has never been more popular... czytaj dalej

Corsini Encyclopedia of Psychology & Behavioral Sci. 4 vols
Craighead Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For more than fifteen years, this indispensable resource has been the reference of choice for psychologists, researchers, teachers, and students who need up-to-date and comprehensive information in the fields... czytaj dalej

Competition Policy Theory & Practice
M. Motta Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This is the first book to provide a systematic treatment of the economics of antitrust (or competition policy) in a global context. It draws on the literature of industrial organisation and on original analyses... czytaj dalej

Brain & Behavior
D. Clark Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This new edition of The Brain and Behavior builds on the success of the previous edition and retains the core aim of providing an accessible introduction to behavioral neuroanatomy. Human behaviour directly... czytaj dalej