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This is the first major review of interactive technologies and their cultural and social context. This is more than a welcome addition to one??'s library; it is the authoritative overview of international research... czytaj dalej
Godność jest pojęciem trudnym do sprecyzowania i niezbyt chętnie przyciągającym uwagę naukowców. W prezentowanej publikacji po raz pierwszy opisano badania godności w odniesieniu do populacji studentów. "Dlatego... czytaj dalej
International security needs to be understood in much broader terms in the aftermath of the Cold War. This extensively revised edition retains the valuable descriptions and analyses of the United Nations' achievements... czytaj dalej
Traces the spread of Islam from the time of Muhammad to the early 10th century. Comprehensive but accessible, with a mix of narrative chapters, primary documents, and biographical sketches. ... czytaj dalej
The period immediately following World War I was one of great turbulence in German society. The widespread dislocation throughout the country following its defeat in the war left the German morale crushed;... czytaj dalej
W tym tomie m. in. prace:Marian Broda - "Tradycja kulturowo-polityczna a współczesna koncentracja władzy w Rosji";Leszek Gawor - "Katastrofizm eschatologiczny Mariana Zdziechowskiego";Lesław... czytaj dalej
This introductory reader in American politics takes an institutional approach to the topic and is guided by the basic assumption that political actors pursue goals informed by self-interest. Kernell (U. of... czytaj dalej
Pelham's text avoids the heavy scientific jargon commonly found in research methods texts. Instead, "Conducting Research in Psychology" features friendly prose, interesting examples, and delightful... czytaj dalej
Dictionary of the Middle Ages" has been adapted to address the needs of younger students in four volumes. Topics were selected for their relevance to the school curriculum, their historical and multicultural... czytaj dalej
For the first two years of the German occupation of Poland in World War II, Hitler's policy was to suppress all potential Polish resistance by indiscriminate killing and deportations. Although the Jewish population... czytaj dalej