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This is a comprehensive textbook studying the relationship between the structure and activity of the brain, and its function and behaviour. The first three chapters provide an introduction to the subject, providing... czytaj dalej
Filled with information and lore, mappae mundi present an encyclopaedic panorama of the conceptual 'landscape' of the middle ages. Previously objects of study for cartographers and geographers, the value of... czytaj dalej
W książce "Symbole i społeczeństwo. Szkice z socjologii interpretacyjnej" autorka systematyzuje zagadnienia związane z procesami symbolizacji w zjawiskach życia społecznego, które pozwalają lepiej... czytaj dalej
Electronic Media Law and Regulation 4E is an overview of the major legal and regulatory issues facing broadcasting, cable, and developing media. It enables current and prospective electronic media professionals... czytaj dalej
In 1935, with a doctorate in art history and no prospect of a job, the 26-year-old Ernst Gombrich was invited by a publishing acquaintance to attempt a history of the world for younger readers. Amazingly, he... czytaj dalej
This text provides an analysis of democratization in Poland by placing the Solidarity movement in the context of the major democratic upheavals of modernity; the French and American Revolutions. Departing from... czytaj dalej
Manetho was an Egyptian of the 3rd century BC. Born probably at Sebennytus in the Delta, he became a priest or high priest at Heliopolis. Apparently he and a Greek Timotheus did much to establish the cult... czytaj dalej
The period immediately following World War I was one of great turbulence in German society. The widespread dislocation throughout the country following its defeat in the war left the German morale crushed;... czytaj dalej
Venice came to life on spongy mudflats at the edge of the habitable world. Protected in a tidal estuary from barbarian invaders and Byzantine overlords, the fishermen, salt gatherers, and traders who settled... czytaj dalej
Przedstawiamy pierwsze i jedyne na polskim rynku opracowanie ujmujące kompleksowo historię rozwoju filozofii prawa. Książka charakteryzuje najważniejsze europejskie i angloamerykańskie kierunki i szkoły tej... czytaj dalej