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Law of International Insolvencies and Debt Restructuring
C. Schmerler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

During the past several years, there has been an unprecedented number of insolvencies and restructuring of multinational corporations - both inside and outside of traditional bankruptcy proceedings. "Law... czytaj dalej

Elliott & Woods Cases and Materials on Criminal Law
Allen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book presents an extensive collection of cases, statutory provisions, recently published articles and comments designed to define, explain and illustrate the main principles of criminal law. It places... czytaj dalej

Aesthetica i anesthetica rozważania filzoficzne
Odo Marquard Wydawnictwo: Oficyna Naukowa

"Po co sztuka? Krytycy sztuki, ci nastawieni poważnie, czyli [...] socjodyletanci pośród estetyków, tylko różnie odpowiadali na to pytanie - ze szkodą sztuki i jej pogodności. Chodzi zaś o to, aby stawić... czytaj dalej

Plato's Republic
L. Purshouse Wydawnictwo: inne

Offers an account of the key philosophical work. This book sets Plato's work in context, introduces the major themes and provides a discussion of the key sections and passages of the text. It explores some... czytaj dalej

Eastern Europe Russia & Central Asia 2006
I. Gladman Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Extensive coverage of the political, economic and social affairs of the region. This impartial up-to-date survey of the countries and territories that make up the region includes: * over 700 pages of current... czytaj dalej

Comparative Politics
Soe Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This twenty-second edition of Annual Editions: Comparative Politics covers the current state of politics in Western Europe, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy and Japan; factors in the political process... czytaj dalej

Essays in Sociology of Perception
M. Douglas Wydawnictwo: angielskie

First published in 1982, this is one of Mary Douglas' favourite books. It is based on her meetings with friends in which they attempt to apply the grip/group analysis from Natural Symbols. The essays have been... czytaj dalej

Poland After Solidarity Social Movements Versus the State
B. Misztal Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Most of the contributors to this excellent study attempt a careful look beyond Solidarity. Their analysis of the Polish crisis of the early 1980s makes extensive use of general sociological studies of both... czytaj dalej

Freely I Served
S. Sosabowski Wydawnictwo: inne

The memoirs of this well known Polish airborne General of WW 2, the author was born in Poland and saw service in the Austrian Army in World War I. He joined the newly created Polish Army in 1918 and served... czytaj dalej

Cała ta moralność
Hartley Fred Wydawnictwo: Vocatio

Kiedyś ludzie mnie znali, a nawet szanowali. Potem zaczęły się przykre kłamstwa. I wkrótce prawie wszyscy wierzyli już w te kłamstwa. Teraz prawie nikt o mnie nie myśli. Nawet nie wymieniają mojego imienia... czytaj dalej