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Ambassadors & America's Soviet Policy
Mayers Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In The Ambassadors and America's Soviet Policy , David Mayers presents the most comprehensive critical examination yet of U.S. diplomats in the Soviet Union. His vivid portrayal evokes the social and intellectual... czytaj dalej

Jews of Eastern Europe
R. Simkins Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Most American Jews have roots in Eastern Europe. The experiences of our nineteenth and twentieth century ancestors continue to influence, in one way or another, thinking about Jewish art, literature, theatre... czytaj dalej

Commercial Law
MacIntyre Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This work: presents the essentials of commercial law in clear and straightforward language, explaining the basic principles; includes diagrams and flowcharts to ensure clarity of tricky areas; uses bulleted... czytaj dalej

Constitutional & Administrative Law
Spencer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book summarises the basic facts and key principles of the important cases in constitutional and administrative law, in clear, straightforward language. Organised by topic areas to illustrate the key principles... czytaj dalej

Mongols & the West 1221-1410
Jackson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Mongols had a huge impact on medieval Europe and the Islamic world.  This book provides a comprehensive survey of contacts between the Catholic West and the Mongol world-empire from the first appearance... czytaj dalej

Freely I Served
S. Sosabowski Wydawnictwo: inne

The memoirs of this well known Polish airborne General of WW 2, the author was born in Poland and saw service in the Austrian Army in World War I. He joined the newly created Polish Army in 1918 and served... czytaj dalej

Między wiecznością i czasem
Sikora Adam Wydawnictwo: Znak

Adam Sikora jest historykiem filozofii i myśli społecznej, emerytowanym profesorem Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego. Między wiecznością a czasem to zbiór filozoficznych esejów na temat Hioba, romantycznej koncepcji... czytaj dalej

Grób czy świątynia? Problematyka cielesności w antropologii Klemensa Aleksandryjskiego
Stanisław Łucarz SJ Wydawnictwo: WAM

Tytułowy problem podjęty został z punktu widzenia filozoficznej antropologii Klemensa Aleksandryjskiego, pierwszego filozofa chrześcijańskiego, który stworzył swój własny system. Jest to system eklektyczny... czytaj dalej

Approaches to Psychology
W. Glassman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Praise for the third edition "Glassman does not lean in the contemporary direction of over-simplification and 'pally' reading to motivate and hold the interest of TV and internet-wise youngsters with minimal... czytaj dalej

European Banking & Financial Services Law
C. Wengler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The initiative to improve the level of integration in banking and financial services law within the European Union, ongoing since the end of the sixties, has been largely successful. About 80% of the national... czytaj dalej