Książki - nowości - Socjologia, filozofia

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Hayek kontra socjalizm
Kostro Krzysztof Wydawnictwo: DiG

Debata socjalistyczna a rozwój teorii społeczno-ekonomicznych Friedricha Augusta von Hayeka.... czytaj dalej

Women's History in Global Perspective v 1
B. Smith Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The American Historical Association's Committee on Women Historians commissioned some of the pioneering figures in women's history to prepare essays in their respective areas of expertise. This volume collects... czytaj dalej

Constitutional Law of 15 EU Member States
L. Prakke Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book was first published in Dutch in 1981. It was called `Het staatsrecht van de landen der Europese Gemeenschappen (Constitutional Law of the EC Member States) and covered the then nine member states... czytaj dalej

Foreword to Past
Bojtar Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Over time at least four meanings have been attributed to the term 'Baltic' -- drawing on thirty years of extensive research, Foreword to the Past is the first modern introduction to the enigma of the Baltic... czytaj dalej

Concepts & Categories
I. Berlin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This collection of eight essays spans the range of Isaiah Berlin's interests, including his role in the disputes of language philosophers in the 1930s, his interest in political philosophy and his later attention... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Adolescent Development
S. Jackson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Zasób badań nad dojrzewaniem w dziedzinie psychologii wzrósł ogromnie na przestrzeni ostatnich dwóch dziesięcioleci wymuszając przy tym pewną rewizję i nowatorskie podejście do tego zagadnienia. Ten multidyscyplinarny... czytaj dalej

Filozofowie i mistycy. Na drogach neoplatonizmu
Jerzy Kolarzowski Wydawnictwo: Eneteia

Książka prezentuje mało znany nurt neoplatońskiej myśli filozoficznej i religijnej od V do XV wieku. Autor kreśli sylwetki wybitnych filozofów i mistyków (Dionizy Areopagita, Maksym Wyznawca, Eriugena, Joachim... czytaj dalej

Risks & Legal Theory
Steele Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In almost every field of law, from tort and contract to environmental law and criminal justice, issues about 'risk' are increasingly of interest to lawyers. At the same time, there has been little general enquiry... czytaj dalej

Female Enterprise in the New Economy
Hughes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The rise of women's self-employment and small business ownership has received a great deal of attention in North America and other industrialized countries. "Female Enterprise in the New Economy"... czytaj dalej

War Peace & International Relations
Gray Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This new volume explores the theory and practice of war and peace in modern historical context.  In fourteen clear and concise chapters, this book hits the high and low points of international politics over... czytaj dalej