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Mouths of Babes
Duffy Stella Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Saz Martin is settled into new motherhood with her partner Molly and their nine-month-old daughter Matilda. Things have not been easy since the birth - late nights, early mornings, and a sudden death have all... czytaj dalej

Truth Will Out Unmasking the Real Shakespeare
B. James Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The question of who wrote Shakespeare#146;s plays has been the subject of furious debate among scholars for over 150 years. Everything known about the facts of William Shakespeare#146;s life seems incompatible... czytaj dalej

Reminiscence of a Roving Scholar
H. Yoke Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This fascinating book presents the unusual career of a scientist of Chinese Malaysian origin, Ho Peng Yoke, who became a humanist and rendered his services to both Eastern and Western intellectual worlds. It... czytaj dalej

The Uncomfortable dead
Marcos & Taibo Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Mexican crime writer Taibo and a real-life spokesperson for the Zapatista movement, Subcomandante Marcos, provide alternating chapters for this postmodern comedic mystery about good, evil and modern revolutionary... czytaj dalej

Memoires d'un Fou
Flaubert Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Les rapports de l'enfant Flaubert et de la littérature illustrent de façon exemplaire la naissance d'une vocation. Le petit garçon qui connaissait Don Quichotte par coeur avant de savoir lire avait déja senti... czytaj dalej

Science Experiments You Can Eat
W. Cobb Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Children learn basic scientific principles through fun, entertaining experiments, concocting their favorite edible treats, such as rock candy, hot beverages, and more.... czytaj dalej

Bergdorf Blondes
P. Sykes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

wealthy and spoiled young woman living in New York searches for the meaning of life while coping with her broken engagement and telephone calls from her mother in England pressuring her to marry the Earl next door. ... czytaj dalej

Kernick Simon Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Simon Kernick is the UK's equivalent to Harlan Coben with his twisty tales of people in impossible situations, except his heroes are more likely to be ex-police, ex-military than Coben's everyman and can handle... czytaj dalej