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Magic meets swashbuckling adventure in the second installment of this fantasy quartet. With each new day, Tris's powers are becoming more powerful. But is Tris strong enough to harness the power of the sea... czytaj dalej
Imagine if you were able to change history. By altering one tiny thing you could start a chain of catastrophic events. Ethan is one of the Named, fated to stop this ever happening, although the forces of chaos... czytaj dalej
Set in southern Ontario in the late nineteenth century, at a time when the machine age was coming into its own, Perpetual Motion chronicles the fortunes of settler Robert Fraser, a man obsessed with power and... czytaj dalej
Ivan Chonkin is a simple, bumbling peasant who has been drafted into the Red Army. Shortly before the outbreak of World War II, he is sent to an obscure village with one week's ration of canned meat and orders... czytaj dalej
"Są to wiersze spotkania, wiersze portrety, wiersze seanse codzienności. Spisane mowa świeżą, nieoczekiwaną, która z młodzieńczą dynamiką przeskakuje bariery niemożliwych skojarzeń". (Jarosław Mikołajewski).... czytaj dalej
Książeczka z serii ?myśli i sentencje?. Zamieszczone w niej myśli i sentencje wydobyte z szerszego kontekstu rozważań, nabierają ogólniejszego znaczenia. Aforyzm to mikrokosmos będący odzwierciedleniem makrokosmosu... czytaj dalej
It's 1985, and the city that never sleeps is about to wish it had stayed in bed. The machine-gun murder of innocent bystanders in a Manhattan restaurant shocks all five boroughs, propelling the surviving members... czytaj dalej
Meeting an anonymous client on a sizzling summer night is asking for trouble. Especially when the client lies and tells V I Warshawski he's the prominent banker John Thayer, looking for his son's missing girlfriend... czytaj dalej
Bestselling author Samuel Huntington examines the gradual loss of American identity in recent decades and envisages a possible return to their core cultural values.... czytaj dalej
Niemieckojęzyczna książeczka z bajką.... czytaj dalej