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Minipowieść Jurija Polakowa - znanego współczesnego rosyjskiego prozaika, autora cenionego przez czytelników za mistrzostwo w łączeniu gatunków, realizm groteskowy, żywy i zróżnicowany... czytaj dalej
Modernism as a global phenomenon is the focus of the essays gathered in this book. The term geomodernisms indicates their subjects' continuity with and divergence from commonly understood notions of modernism... czytaj dalej
Vitus, der weit gereiste Wanderchirurg und mutmaßliche Erbe von Schloss Collincourt, ist untröstlich: Seine geliebte Arlette, nach der er so lange gesucht hat, stirbt in seinen Armen an der Pest. Doch vorher... czytaj dalej
Unheimlich ist es im Spessarter Wald und unheimlich ist auch das Wirtshaus, in dem eine Gruppe von Reisenden die Nacht verbringt. Ob die Wirtsleute mit der berüchtigten Räuberbande unter einer Decke stecken... czytaj dalej
Though entrusted with the greatest literary project in the history of written English, James Murray (1837-1915) came from outside the establishment of London intellectual society and grew up in a world far... czytaj dalej
This work describes a week in the lives of seven people - all on the same route to school: Harriet is waiting for her husband to tell her if their marriage is on - or off. Pippa is about to receive some potentially... czytaj dalej
This high fantasy kicks off a new trilogy within the long-running and ever-popular Shannara series. Despite the passage of 20 years, Grianne Ohmsford, the Ard Rhys, or High Druid, of Paranor, still struggles... czytaj dalej
'Appointment in Samarra is the first and most widely read book by the writer Fran Lebowitz called 'the real F. Scott Fitzgerald.'' In December 1930, just before Christmas, the Gibbsville social circuit is electrified... czytaj dalej
At the beginning of the twentieth century, the South Pole was the most coveted prize in the fiercely nationalistic modern age of exploration. In this brilliant dual biography, the award-winning writer Roland... czytaj dalej
John Irving's memoir begins with his account of the distinguished career and medical writings of the novelist's grandfather Dr Frederick C. Irving, a renowned obstetrician and gynaecologist, and includes Mr... czytaj dalej