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Tears of Sheba
Al Salami Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Loyalty, honour, murder, Bedouin, family feuds and survival in a setting reminiscent of the Arabian Nights Yemen in the 1960s was a society where loyalty, blood ties and honour meant everything, yet murder... czytaj dalej

G. Paulsen Wydawnictwo: brak danych

In the Old Days There Were Songs Something is bothering Russel Susskit. He hates waking up to the sound of his father's coughing, the smell of diesel oil, the noise of snow machines starting up. Only Oogruk... czytaj dalej

Flight #116 Is Down!
C. Cooney Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The noted suspense and thriller writer tells the story of a young girl caught in a terrifying and unforgettable drama, working with others to save the victims of a plane crash. "Be prepared for swarms... czytaj dalej

Death Etc.
H. Pinter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Throughout his life, playwright and political activist Harold Pinter has consistently cast light on the hypocrisy of conformist truths in pure and simple terms. Death etc. brings together Pinter's most poignant... czytaj dalej

Doctor Honoris Causa
M. Kociejowski Wydawnictwo: inne

The first collection by a poet with a fine narrative and lyrical gift and a voice entirely his own contains dramatic monologues and terse sequences.... czytaj dalej

Krew władzy
Ceridwen Dovey Wydawnictwo: Amber

Kapuściński w CESARZU opisał świat rzeczywistej dyktatury, nadając reportażowi rangę wielkiej literatury.Dovey przedstawia odwieczne mechanizmy tworzenia się, istnienia i upadku władzy w alegorycznej powieści... czytaj dalej

The Afghan
Forsyth Frederick Wydawnictwo: inne

When British and American intelligence catch wind of a major Al Qaeda operation in the works, they are primed for action - but what can they do? They know nothing about the attack: the what, where or when.... czytaj dalej

Why Fairy Tales Stick
J. Zipes Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In his latest book, fairy tales expert Jack Zipes explores the question of why some fairy tales "work" and others don't, why the fairy tale is uniquely capable of getting under the skin of culture... czytaj dalej

Blue Screen
Parker Robert B. Wydawnictwo: inne

Buddy Bollen is a C-list movie mogul who made his fortune producing films of questionable artistic merit. When Buddy hires Sunny Randall to protect his rising star and girlfriend, Erin Flint, Sunny knows from... czytaj dalej

The 5th Horseman
J. Patterson Wydawnictwo: Warner Books Inc.

The fifth gripping novel in the Women's Murder Club series. Detective Lindsay Boxer and her friend Yuki Castellano are out shopping with Yuki's mother Keiko when Keiko drops in the middle of the busy street... czytaj dalej