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Do piekła kuchenną windą
Fres Magda Wydawnictwo: Tower Press

Bohaterka (bohaterki) książki to jedna z tych niegrzecznych dziewczynek, które idą tam, gdzie chcą, bo grzeczne dziewczynki idą do nieba (Ute Ehrhardt). Niezależna, wyzwolona, samofinansująca się, podróżująca... czytaj dalej

Doyle Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Modernism as a global phenomenon is the focus of the essays gathered in this book. The term “geomodernisms” indicates their subjects' continuity with and divergence from commonly understood notions of modernism... czytaj dalej

Call for the Dead
J. LeCarree Wydawnictwo: inne

Why should a routine security check drive Fennan to suicide? Why should a suicide arrange for a GPO alarm call? Le Carre's debut novel blends murder investigation with a spy story. ... czytaj dalej

Poison in Athens
Margaret Doody Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

It is the autumn of 330 BC, and three law cases are exciting Athens: the malicious wounding of a wealthy citizen; a bizarre murder by hemlock; and an accusation of impiety against the courtesan Phryne. The... czytaj dalej

We Are Family
J. Lloyd Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

In affairs of the heart, how far can family loyalties be stretched before they snap?1953, and although the coastal village of Stepmouth appears as idyllic as ever, a passionate feud threatens to shatter the... czytaj dalej

Mystery of Mr Nice
Hale Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Most folks know him as the best lizard detective at Emerson Hicky Elementary School, but it's not all knuckles and know-how with Chet Gecko. He's also got his artistic side. If it wasn't for his art, he might... czytaj dalej

Getting Lucky
Andersen Wydawnictwo: inne

Irresistibly drawn to sexy Marine Zach Taylor, Lily Morrisette joins the career military man on a trip to break up his sister's wedding engagement, but when Glynnis fails to appear and they find a ransom note... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of Postcolonial Literatures in English 3 Vols
Benson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Post-Colonial Literatures in English, together with English Literature and American Literature, form one of the three major groupings of literature in English, and, as such, are widely studied around the world... czytaj dalej

Whistle for Willie
Ezra Keats Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Little Peter wants to learn to whistle for his dog Willie. He tries and tries to whistle but can't get it right. Readers follow Peter all about his neighborhood and home as he practices until he finally hears... czytaj dalej

Star Wars: Jedi Apprentice #11 Deadly Hunter
Watson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Nobody knows her name or when she will strike. All they know is she is a deadly bounty hunter -- and her latest mission takes her to Coruscant, the home of the Jedi. Her target: an old friend of Qui-Gon Jinn's... czytaj dalej