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Father Christmas
Briggs Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An unusual look at the life of Father Christmas, a man who sometimes gets grumpy about living in the chilly North Pole and having to squeeze down so many chimneys to deliver presents. Color illustrations accompany the text. ... czytaj dalej

Arthur Trilogy book 1 Seeing Stone
K. Crossley-Holland Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Let your child experience medieval life through the eyes of a young boy named after King Arthur. In Book 1 of a planned trilogy based on Arthurian legend, family friend Merlin gives Arthur a magical stone in... czytaj dalej

Twelve Dancing Princesses
Miles Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Princess Jessamine loves to dance. Every night, when the rest of the castle has gone to bed, she and her sisters descend a hidden staircase to an enchanted kingdom where they dance through the night--and right... czytaj dalej

Goosebumps Haunted Mask
Stine Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Steve finds a Halloween mask that makes him look like a creepy old man, with a wrinked face and stringy hair. Now Steve is starting to feel so old... so tired...so evil! Fun Factor A scary story for the grade... czytaj dalej

Liberty Bell
L. Douglas Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Uses easy-to-read text to introduce the Liberty Bell as an American symbol of freedom.... czytaj dalej

T. Pratchett Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The final title in the magnificent fantasy trilogy, The Bromeliad ... czytaj dalej

The Alibi Man
Hoag Tami Wydawnictwo: inne

Last seen in bestseller Hoag's Dark Horse, Elena Estes, a former undercover cop turned PI, is devastated at the start of this captivating thriller when she realizes a body she finds in a south Florida canal... czytaj dalej

The best a man can get
John O`Farrell Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Przezabawna opowieść o mężczyznach.... czytaj dalej

Muzyka życia
Andrei Makine Wydawnictwo: Czytelnik

Historia młodego pianisty rosyjskiego, którego pierwszy koncert, zapowiedziany na 24 maja 1941 roku, nigdy się nie odbędzie...... czytaj dalej

Grimes Martha Wydawnictwo: angielskie

When an old friend pulls Richard Jury into the investigation of a wealthy bachelor's murder, Jury's not sure what's more perplexing: the circumstances of the fellow's death, the conflicted stories of the man's... czytaj dalej