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Where Willy Went
Allan Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

This title from Nicholas Allan presents the facts of life to young children in a unique but totally accessible way and should prove helpful for any parent faced with awkward questions.... czytaj dalej

Dirty Girls Social Club
A. Valdes-Rodrguez Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

The Dirty Girls Social Club was formed by six very different Latina women who met at college in Boston and swore they'd be friends for the rest of their lives. They all feel perfectly licensed to tell each... czytaj dalej

Veronica Guerin Life & Death of Crime Reporter
E. O'reilly Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

At 1pm on 26 June 1996, the "Sunday Independent's" crime reporter Veronica Guerin was shot dead by a motorcycle pillion passenger as she waited at traffic lights on the outskirts of Dublin - the victim... czytaj dalej

Templar Legacy
Berry Wydawnictwo: inne

The ancient order of the Knights Templar possessed untold wealth and absolute power over kings and popes ...until the Inquisition, when the Knights were wiped from the face of the earth, their riches left hidden... czytaj dalej

What Did I Do to Deserve a Sister Like You ?
A. Medearis Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Life is rough sometimes, and Sharie is learning what that's all about in this easy-read chapter book. She'd rather eat liver and onions than go to piano lessons, and she dreads the thought of playing in a recital... czytaj dalej

101 President Jokes
M. Berqer Wydawnictwo: brak danych

From George Washington to George Bush, jokes have been told by and about the President. This book presents more than 101 mirthful moments from the tenures of 28 different Presidents. Black line illustrations. ... czytaj dalej

Jump Frog Jump
Robert Kalan Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This is the turtle...that ate the snake...who swallowed the fish...and so on! Children will want to join in with "jump, frog, jump" after every verse of this rhythmic, cumulative tale.... czytaj dalej

Circle of Magic #01 Sandry's Book
T. Pierce Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Circle of Magic is an enthralling fantasy quartet series appealing to both boys and girls. Herein are the adventures of Daja, Briar, Tris, and Sandry, four children who are brought to Winding Circle Temple... czytaj dalej

Adventures of Ulysses
Various Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A fast-moving retelling of the classic story of Ulysses. Designed for children from around the age of nine, it is part of the "Usborne Classics" range, which covers a variety of authors and periods... czytaj dalej

Gossip Girl 7 Nobody Does It Better
C. Ziegesar Wydawnictwo: inne

The uptown girls are headed downtown as Serena and Jenny take on their new fabulous roles as rock-star model girlfriends of New York's hottest band, The Raves. Meanwhile, Dan is too busy drowning his sorrows... czytaj dalej