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Ucieczka zTobruku
Harding Duncan Wydawnictwo: Bellona

Gorące lato 1942. W północnej Afryce trwają walki brytyjsko-niemieckie. W oblężonym Tobruku zostaje uwięziona para naukowców, znających plany prac nad konstrukcją bomby atomowej. Oddział brytyjskich komandosów... czytaj dalej

Black Narcissus
Godden Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In the days when it was the General's 'harem' palace, ladies with their retinues and rich clothes could be seen walking on the high windy terraces. At night, music floated out over villages and gorges far into... czytaj dalej

Constant Gardener
LeCarre Wydawnictwo: inne

Tessa Quayle, the lovely wife of a member of the British Foreign Service based in Nairobi, is killed in a mysterious car accident near a lake in Kenya. Tessa was an activist who had recently come across sensitive... czytaj dalej

V. Roggenkamp Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Die 13-jährige Fania Schiefer, Ich-Erzählerin des Romans, gleicht einem hochempfindlichen Sensor für sämtliche Störfelder, die an sie von außerhalb herangetragen werden. Vordergründig gleicht das Leben in der... czytaj dalej

Baker Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Wizards have always been powerful iconic figures. Baker focuses on various individuals - real and mythical - and their lives, powers and impact on history. He also offers wider insights into the practical uses... czytaj dalej

K. Sampson Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Kit Hannah is about to start University. He's funny, clever and popular, but he's harbouring a dark foreboding he dare not share with anyone. And it's with a heavy heart that he leaves home to begin a new life... czytaj dalej

First King of Shannara
T. Brooks Wydawnictwo: inne

Horrified by the misuse of magic they had witnessed during the First War of the Races, the Druids at Paranor devoted themselves to the study of the old sciences, from the period before the collapse of civilization... czytaj dalej

R. Hellstrom Wydawnictwo: inne

Two children are found dead in a basement. Four years later their murderer escapes from prison. The police know if he is not found quickly, he will kill again. But when their worst fears come true and another... czytaj dalej

Ramona's World
Cleray Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

Ramona Quimby is sure fourth grade will be "the best year of her life, so far." She can show off her calluses from swinging on the rings in the park, sit across the aisle from the boy she calls Yard... czytaj dalej

E. Bloor Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Paul Fisher plays soccer despite the thick glasses he wears because of a mysterious eye injury. When his family moves to Tangerine, Florida, strange things start to happen, but nothing is stranger than the... czytaj dalej