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Soft Target
Leather Wydawnictwo: inne

When a group of armed police in a unit turn maverick and start to rip off drug dealers at gunpoint, undercover cop Dan 'Spider' Shepherd is put a mission. He is ordered to infiltrate the team, to gain their... czytaj dalej

Welcome to the Snake Hotel
B. Moses Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Read about reptiles and amphibians of all kinds in this collection of poems for children. ... czytaj dalej

Behind the Scenes at the Museum
K. Atkinson Wydawnictwo: inne

Kate Atkinson, winner of the Ian St. James award for her short stories, has written a first novel about the life of Ruby Lennox, a Yorkshirewoman, and her eccentric family. This novel won the Whitbread Book... czytaj dalej

B. Schlink Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Sixty-eight years old; a smoker of Sweet Aftons, a dedicated drinker of Aviateur cocktails, and the owner of a charismatic cat named Turbo, Gerhard Self is an unconventional private detective. When Self is... czytaj dalej

Vector Prime - New Jedi Order - STAR WARS
R. Salvatore Wydawnictwo: inne

Twenty-one years have passed since the heroes of the Rebel Alliance destroyed the Death Star, breaking the power of the Emperor. Since then, the New Republic has valiantly struggled to maintain peace and prosperity... czytaj dalej

Gathering the Sun
A. Ada Wydawnictwo: brak danych

"United by themes of harvest, work, values, and home, twenty-eight poems honor the lives of migrant farmworkers and celebrate an alphabetical list of Spanish words. Each poem appears first in Spanish and... czytaj dalej

Zombie Butts From Uranus
Griffiths Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Can Zack save the planet from a barrage of butts from outer space? And not just any old rear ends, but an army of cunning, ruthless, zombie tushies! Twelve-year-old Zack would like nothing more than to wash... czytaj dalej

Secrets of Droon #23 The Fortress of the Treasure Queen
T. Abbott Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Ko is back in power -- and nothing in Droon is safe! His beasts have found a lightning-powered submarine hidden in the secret Fortress of the Treasure Queen. Now Eric and his friends have to stop Ko before... czytaj dalej

Split Second
D. Baldacci Wydawnictwo: Warner Books Inc.

At crucial moments eight years apart, two Secret Service agents are distracted--with disastrous results: in one case, a presidential candidate is assassinated, and in the second, one is kidnapped. The two disgraced... czytaj dalej

Sex Lies & Fairytales
K. Thompson Wydawnictwo: inne

Lottery winner Cleo Dowling is living her dream, running a bookshop in the sleepy village of Kilrowan and larking around with her gorgeous painter husband, Pablo. But the dream turns into a nightmare when Pablo... czytaj dalej