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Another fantastic Redwall adventure, reissued with a great new cover look ... czytaj dalej
Revealing the truth behind vampires, witches, UFOs and ghosts, this book uses simple science to explain why we fear things, and what reactions go on in our brains and bodies. It also shows that there is a basis... czytaj dalej
The beginning of a new trilogy from perhaps the most significant Sf writer of the 21st century. ... czytaj dalej
In 1941, Irčne Némirovsky sat down to write a book that would convey the magnitude of what she was living through, not in terms of battles and politicians, but by evoking the domestic lives and personal trials... czytaj dalej
A short novel of immense scope that shows Terry Goodkind's story telling powers at their very best. In the days of the war against Panis Rahl a young woman presents the first wizard with an intractable choice... czytaj dalej
Henry has no brothers, sisters, or friends, but he does have a constant companion and protector in Mudge, a 180-pound dog. This is the first book in the series. ... czytaj dalej
- błyskotliwa powieść obyczajowa rodem z Hollywood- klasyczna literatura kobieca w najlepszym stylu- autorka od wielu lat związana z branżą filmową.Hollywoodzka gwiazda filmowa, Ruby Valentine, popełnia samobójstwo... czytaj dalej
Enright, a relative newcomer to the world of glitzy television journalism, is finding life at KEY News difficult -- especially with a fanatical, hard-charging executive producer. But the assignment to cover... czytaj dalej
Historia miłosna rozgrywająca się w plenerach współczesnego Tokio. Bohater (alter ego autora) wkrótce po przyjeździe do Japonii poznaje Yukiko Hashimoto. I zakochuje się niemal od pierwszego wejrzenia. Chce... czytaj dalej
New York Times bestselling author Hannah Howell continues the spellbinding saga of the powerful Murray clan in this sensual tale of lovers both tempted and tormented by their own passion? A reckless need to... czytaj dalej