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Howl a Book About Wolves
Melvin Berger,Gilda Berger Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Did you know that wolves howl to warn their enemies away? Or that there are many different kinds of wolves, such as the tundra, timber, and red wolf? Written by renowned non-fiction authors Melvin and Gilda... czytaj dalej

Al Agua Patos
Roberta Intrarer Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Babies are fascinated by other babies and will love to hold these small, sturdy books and gaze at giggling, laughing, yawning, and smiling babies. Candid and adorable photographs capture all kinds of babies... czytaj dalej

Remnants Breakdown
K. Applegate Wydawnictwo: brak danych

As Billy continues his mysterious encounter with the ship's powerful core, known as Mother, he begins to form a strange connection with her. Mother has generated the Remants' surroundings and she is lonely... czytaj dalej

True Ghost Stories
P. Dowswell Wydawnictwo: angielskie

About one in ten people claim to have seen a ghost, this title documents 12 separate, spine-chilling accounts. From moonlit spirits in an English vicarage to the 'Bell Witch' phantom of Tennessee, USA, the... czytaj dalej

Pearse Lesley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

1995, Scotland. The prison of Cornton Vale.Laura Brannigan is in jail for murder. For two years she's been battling for justic - insisting that she didn't kill her best friend, Jackie. Yet with her spirits... czytaj dalej

Shadow Dance
Garwood Julie Wydawnictwo: inne

Jordan Buchanan is thrilled that her brother and best friend are tying the knot. The wedding is a lavish affair?for the marriage of Dylan Buchanan and Kate MacKenna is no ordinary occasion. It represents the... czytaj dalej

Protect and Defend
Flynn Vince Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With Iran on the brink of developing a nuclear weapon, Israel is forced to react. But by destroying Iran's main nuclear facility, creating a radioactive tomb and an environmental disaster, Israel has triggered... czytaj dalej

Flesh and Bone
Bass Jefferson Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

Dr. Bill Brockton, the founder of the world?famous Body Farm, is hard at work on a troubling new case. A young man?s battered body has been found in nearby Chattanooga, and it?s up to the talented Dr. Brockton... czytaj dalej

Delegate's Choice
Sansom Ian Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

Israel has been invited to attend the Mobile Meet in London, the annual mobile library convention, with his irascible companion Ted Carson. Back in the UK, Israel is reunited with his family, and there is much... czytaj dalej

Latawiec odkrytki
Bogusława Latawiec Wydawnictwo: PIW

"Odkrytki" to słowo-klucz do czytania poezji zebranej w najnowszym tomiku Bogusławy Latawiec. Objaśnia je autorka: "Pracując nad opartą na korespondencji z początku wieku powieścią Kochana Maryniucha... czytaj dalej