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The Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon is one of the best known, most comprehensive and most reliable reference works on German literature. The scope of the Deutsches Literatur-Lexikon is simply unrivalled: Spanning... czytaj dalej
Set in 1968 in the Parisian suburbs, No Telling is narrated by twelve-year-old Gilles as he approaches his Solemn Communion, puberty, and some sense of the chaos around him. His home is deeply dysfunctional:... czytaj dalej
Centenary edition with an introduction by Christopher Hitchens: a gripping spy thriller, which unfolds aboard the majestic Orient Express as it crosses Europe from Ostend to Constantinople, weaving a web of... czytaj dalej
Radio actor Iron Rinn is a big Newark roughneck lighted by a brutal personal secret from which he is perpetually in flight. An idealistic Communist, an uneducated ditchdigger turned popular performer, a six-foot... czytaj dalej
Recounts the interrelationships, clashes, and common concerns of the Catholic, hill-farming Larkins of Donegal, the aristocratic and British Hubbles, and the Scottish-Presbyterian MacLeods of Belfast during... czytaj dalej
Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn, his Jedi Master, are off on another adventure in order to teach Obi-Wan the lessons he will need to perform his life's tasks. ... czytaj dalej
James Joyce's writings have been translated hundreds of times into dozens of different languages. Given the multitude of interpretive possibilities within these translations, Patrick O'Neill argues that the... czytaj dalej
The first book in Blackstock's Restoration series literally begins with a bang: airplanes fall out of the sky in the opening paragraphs, at which point the novel's protagonists and readers become swept up in... czytaj dalej
Wspomnienia 85 - letniego już dziś wrocławianina poświęcone artystom, luminarzom przedwojennego wrocławskiego życia kulturalnego, a także szkolnym kolegom i przyjaciołom. Wrocław stanowi tło ważnych wydarzeń... czytaj dalej
On a desolate island deep within the Canadian Arctic, a scientific expedition photograph the wreckage of a bomber on a mountain glacier. To the world at large, the half-century old aeroplane is merely a relic... czytaj dalej