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Part of a series of technically informative monographs embracing a broad spectrum of internationally renowned buildings, this work deals with the engineering department building of Leicester University, and... czytaj dalej
Ten years ago it was reasonable to apply the label ... czytaj dalej
This lively and informative new title was originally inspired by the author's Italian mother and her struggles with the vagaries of the English language. Over the years the author has tried to correct her attempts... czytaj dalej
A collection of the work of architect Alexander Gorlin featuring 28 of his buildings and projects in design in full-colour and plans. Three essays examining his sources and stylistic directions and Gorlin's... czytaj dalej
Eighteen contributions from researchers discuss consumers' acceptance of genetically modified foods. A sampling of topics includes the predicted effects of both mandatory and voluntary labeling of GM foods... czytaj dalej
Don't have a lot of room for gardening? Live in the city with only a balcony or less to grow a garden? Then this is the book for you. This book resurrects the art of window box gardening. From formal arrangements... czytaj dalej
"Operation Iraqi Freedom" began on 20 March 2003 and has become perhaps one of the most controversial conflicts of modern warfare. Thousands of US Marines were deployed into Iraq, and their aim was... czytaj dalej
Chcesz wiedzieć, czy Twoja ukochana bawiła się w dzieciństwie w doktora? A może pragniesz sprawdzić, co Twój partner myśli o zdradzie lub masażu pleców? Dla zakochanych od tygodnia i od dziesięciu lat, młodych... czytaj dalej
Stan prawny na 26.11.2007 r.Jedyna dotychczas na rynku wydawniczym, publikacja, która tak szczegółowo prezentuje złożoną problematykę egzekucji z nieruchomości w administracji - przede wszystkim w ujęciu praktycznym... czytaj dalej
The stage is set for the Beijing Olympiad to be the greatest mega-event, sporting or otherwise, in history. Still, the issues taxing many minds include whether the Beijing Games will be successful; whether... czytaj dalej