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New Europe
V. Croci Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In May 2004, Europe was redefined. Ten countries - Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovak Republic and Slovenia - joined the European Union. This was greeted... czytaj dalej

McGrath Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is the first textbook for architectural drawing with the computer that is based on understanding how digital drawing fundamentally differs from drawing with lead pencils on drafting boards. Cinemetrics:... czytaj dalej

Mass Identity Architecture
Proto Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Baudrillard has become incredibly popular in architecture in recent years and this is the first time that the work of one of the world#8217;s greatest ever philosophers has been pulled together to present a... czytaj dalej

London Caffs
E. Heathcote Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Where would we be without the traditional London caff? Milk bars, ice-cream parlours and espresso bars are all a feature of the London landscape that were borne out of the 1940s to 1960s. It is a time when... czytaj dalej

Space Planning Basics
Karlen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Completely revised to address changes in industry practice and new technologies, Space Planning Basics, Second Edition presents all the necessary tools and know-how to effectively create design programming... czytaj dalej

Brick Pavement & Fence-Walls Authentic Details for Design
Peter Harrison Wydawnictwo: angielskie

One of the oldest and most versatile building materials available, brick is used for period landscape design in walkways, entry pavements, courtyards, terraces, porticoes, steps, and fencewalls. With the increased... czytaj dalej

Learn to Navigate
Mosenthal Wydawnictwo: inne

Covering the essentials of reading a chart, understanding tides, using navigation instruments, plotting a position and planning a passage, this book is suitable for novices of all ages wanting a simple introduction... czytaj dalej

Words Fail Me
T. Monachino Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This lively and informative new title was originally inspired by the author's Italian mother and her struggles with the vagaries of the English language. Over the years the author has tried to correct her attempts... czytaj dalej

Small Animal Toxicology
Peterson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Small Animal Toxicology provides the small animal practitioner with extensive information on all aspects of clinical and diagnostic toxicology of the dog and cat. This comprehensive, yet easy-to-use text includes... czytaj dalej

Cooking in French Fashion
S. Oride Wydawnictwo: angielskie

France is renowned for its contributions to worlds of cuisine and fashion, and this cookbook captures the essence of both. Featuring 38 bilingual recipes, Cooking in the French Fashion offers unique insight... czytaj dalej