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This international exploration of Jewish and Holocaust museums, modern synagogues, Jewish community centers and schools demonstrates how these important structures lend architectural shape to the Jewish identity... czytaj dalej
Outdoor advertising is one of the oldest and purest forms of communication. Until now, however, it has remained largely undocumented. Advertising Outdoors looks at the art and ingenuity of art directors and... czytaj dalej
Studying how athletes reach and stay at the pinnacle of their sport is the domain of sport expertise researchers. This book provides an overview of the most critical issues facing those pursuing research in... czytaj dalej
This new third edition provides the reader with a greater understanding of the purpose of animal systems and their function, resulting in a valuable introductory text for pre-veterinary or veterinary tech students... czytaj dalej
France is renowned for its contributions to worlds of cuisine and fashion, and this cookbook captures the essence of both. Featuring 38 bilingual recipes, Cooking in the French Fashion offers unique insight... czytaj dalej
Football 365 Days, a celebration of World Cup action from the last 50 years... czytaj dalej
In answer to public concerns, Microbial Food Safety in Animal Agriculture: Current Topics provides timely information on this area of increasing importance, giving a broad overview of pre-harvest microbial... czytaj dalej
Steven Bedford is an architectural historian who, through this book, follows the career of famous archit ect John Russell Pope. Considered one of America''s finest an d most important classical architects Pope''s... czytaj dalej
The second edition of this text expands and updates the original "Fish Hatchery Management", originally published in 1982, which has been used in universities and training centres to train new generations... czytaj dalej
Agricultural markets have changed, and there is a critical need to train students to work in the world of agricultural markets. This book provides information on the issues of agricultural industrialization... czytaj dalej