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Does contemporary German architecture have anything to offer to the larger architectural community? Can architects born in the 1950s and 1960s produce, so soon into their careers, buildings that deserve international... czytaj dalej
This international exploration of Jewish and Holocaust museums, modern synagogues, Jewish community centers and schools demonstrates how these important structures lend architectural shape to the Jewish identity... czytaj dalej
Various location specific attributes contribute to the spatial dynamics of housing markets. This effect may partly be of a qualitative and discontinuous nature, which causes market segmentation into submarkets. ... czytaj dalej
In this book, scientists from various disciplines address the advances in seafood research with respect to quality, safety, consumer's demands and processing of wild and farmed fish. The nutritional properties... czytaj dalej
This issue of AD introduces a new approach to architectural practice based on the interrelationship of emergence and self-organisation concepts. A sequence to the successful Emergence: Morphogenetic Design... czytaj dalej
In May 2004, Europe was redefined. Ten countries - Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovak Republic and Slovenia - joined the European Union. This was greeted... czytaj dalej
This is the first textbook for architectural drawing with the computer that is based on understanding how digital drawing fundamentally differs from drawing with lead pencils on drafting boards. Cinemetrics:... czytaj dalej
Completely revised to address changes in industry practice and new technologies, Space Planning Basics, Second Edition presents all the necessary tools and know-how to effectively create design programming... czytaj dalej
When it comes to architecture and design, one area in which there has been a huge amount of popular interest is that of interiors. Yet, surprisingly little has been published in the area of fashion, despite... czytaj dalej
The Farming Game is the agricultural management text for the twenty-first century. The central theme underpinning this text is that the farm management context is most usefully and reliably managed by the application... czytaj dalej