In the aftermath of the battle of the Ardennes in February 1945, the Allies began steps for the final assault into Germany. The Rhine represented the last major geographical barrier to the Allied advance into...czytaj dalej
During the Vietnam War, the Viet Cong (VC) main forces and North Vietnamese Army (NVA) were forced to hide weapons and supplies underground and dig shelters to counter US firepower. This title takes a look...czytaj dalej
In 48 BC, the stage was set for the final clash of the two titans of the Roman world and the odds were heavily in Pompey's favour, with 45,000 men against Caesar's 22,000. Having the dice loaded against him...czytaj dalej
The German invasion in 1941 led to a series of staggering defeats for the Russians. In the first five months of fighting, the Soviets lost about four million men, amounting to 80 per cent of the total strength...czytaj dalej
The Spanish possessions in the West Indies and the Central American and Mexican coast - was the envy of Englishmen, Frenchmen and Dutchmen from the 16th to the 19th centuries. To counter their assaults as well...czytaj dalej
Poland was the first of the Allied nations to succumb to German aggression in the Second World War, but by the most tortuous of routes her army managed to remain in the field through all five years of bloody...czytaj dalej
The military history of Gibraltar is complex and varied, lying as it does at the gateway to the Mediterranean and the meeting points of the continents of Europe and Africa. From the Islamic invasions of Spain...czytaj dalej
The Mau Mau Freedom Fighters waged a guerrilla war for eight years (1952-1960) against their British colonial rulers, to win back their land and independence. This underground militia was an extremely powerful...czytaj dalej