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Analytical Troubleshooting of Process Machinery & Pressure
Sofronas Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A highly practical troubleshooting tool for today's complex processing industry Evolving industrial technology#151;driven by the need to increase safety while reducing production losses#151;along with environmental... czytaj dalej

7 Metaphors on Management
F. Muna Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This text covers seven management metaphors that have been of great value to the author and his clients over the years in his roles as a father, manager and management trainer. Some chapters contain checklists... czytaj dalej

Leading Your Team Super Series
Ilm Wydawnictwo: brak danych

With forty well structured and easy to follow topics to choose from, each workbook has a wide range of case studies, questions and activities to meet both an individual or organization's training needs. Whether... czytaj dalej

Worldwide Destinations Casebook
Boniface Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Worldwide Destinations: the geography of travel and tourism casebook provides over 40 comprehensive case studies of international tourism destinations. A companion text to the core textbook Worldwide Destinations... czytaj dalej

ROI Fieldbook
P. Philips Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Since the publication of 'Return on Investment in Training and Performance Improvement Programs,' many individuals have attempted to implement the ROI methodology in their organizations. Having a credible process... czytaj dalej

Tourism Security & Safety
Mansfield Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The topic of safety and security in the tourism industry is of vital importance globally. In recent years, and mainly after the 9/11 event, both academics and practitioners have started to look into crisis... czytaj dalej

Employment Contracts and Well-being Among European Workers
N. de Cuyper Wydawnictwo: inne

Temporary employment contracts are now commonplace in business. However the move towards such employment structures has a significant, and hitherto little understood impact on 'the psychological contract' between... czytaj dalej

Empowering SME Managers in Palestine
A. Farhad Wydawnictwo: inne

SMEs create employment, wealth and a potential for future growth. In Palestine they can also mean survival and freedom. In Palestine they are not a choice but a necessity for sustainable development. But by... czytaj dalej

Global Public Management
Callahan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Global Public Management offers a collection of cases illustrating managerial problems and policy situations that managers could face anywhere in the world. These cases are then analyzed by universal scholars... czytaj dalej

World Bank Economists Forum vol.II
Devarajan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume evaluates some of the key dimensions of human development and growth. It provides eight exceptional papers from the second World Bank Economists' Forum held in May 2001 in Washington, DC. These... czytaj dalej