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A group of German and European company law experts, academics as well as practitioners, have come together to scrutinise sense and benefits of fixed legal capital and all its specific elements. This volume... czytaj dalej
'There is considerable rigour behind the work and the contexts are well positioned. The books have excellent HR data for not only businesses, but employees considering a transfer to an international location... czytaj dalej
For the introductory or information systems course required of business majors. Information Systems Today, 2e, speaks directly to WHY IS MATTERS today by focusing just on what every business student needs... czytaj dalej
For MBA and Executive MBA strategy courses. Pankaj Ghemawat, respected and renowned Harvard Business School Professor, has designed and written a brief strategy text designed to help students master a body... czytaj dalej
For courses in Organizational Behavior, Individual Behavior in Organizations, and Industrial Psychology.This reader provides the best collection of classic, ground-breaking articles, as well as cutting-edge... czytaj dalej
For undergraduate and graduate strategic management courses. For professors who want their students to understand the practical application of strategic management, David provides a skills-based, practitioner-oriented... czytaj dalej
For undergraduate or graduate level Introduction to Human Resource Management courses. This book covers all of the core HR topics, while taking a "non-functional" approach that shows the relevance... czytaj dalej
The first detailed analysis of the internal working and the external relationships of the boards of Britain's leading companies. Responding to calls for greater scrutiny of boards of directors this book presents... czytaj dalej
An Introduction to Fund Management introduces readers to the economic rationale for the existence of funds, the different types available, investment strategies and many other related issues from the perspective... czytaj dalej