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Autorka, w sposób nowoczesny i kompleksowy, zaprezentowała różne relacje banki - rynki kapitałowe, z uwzględnieniem procesu globalizacji oraz znaczenia banków jako pośredników, gwarantów, emitentów i inwestorów... czytaj dalej
In the global business environment of 2003, an executive must have the skills and knowledge to navigate all stages of an international deal, from negotiations to managing the deal after it is signed. The aim... czytaj dalej
The old media strategies advertisers used for decades no longer work. Here's what does! Traditional advertising, in the form of print, radio, and most notably, television, is far less effective than it used... czytaj dalej
"Over these many years of watching Michael devour books on leadership, ask probing questions of all manner of leaders, and write his daily insights, I see now where it has all led--to a magnificent new... czytaj dalej
Since the first edition appeared in 1983, Management Accounting has been a favorite text with students on professional and higher education courses. This fifth edition has been fully revised to include: -New... czytaj dalej
Knowledge management is crucial to organizational learning, innovation and success within organizations. The Second Edition of the successful knowledge management reader provides a core source of key theoretical... czytaj dalej
Modern day supply chain management (SCM) continues to influence the economic and political landscape while being shaped by the wide array of forces known collectively as globalization. Instead of the traditional... czytaj dalej
Allows readers to experience the dynamic 'case-in-point' approach to teaching leadership, based on Harvard professor Ronald Heifetz's internationally renowned leadership course This book argues that today's... czytaj dalej
Die Autoren präsentieren Know-how, Best Practice-Beispiele und neue Ideen in B2B-Marketing und -Verkauf. Jedes Kapitel folgt einem modernen Ansatz des Management-Denkens aus Theorie, Fallbeispiel, Feedback... czytaj dalej
Podstawy przywództwa transformacyjnegoUmiejętność komunikacji interpersonalnejUmiejętności doradzania i zarządzania problemami... czytaj dalej