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'An excellent collection of papers on a critical, but much misunderstood topic. Professors Gray and Dilyard's introduction is a concise and masterly summary of the key issues involved. The volume is a "must... czytaj dalej
To succeed in public relations, professionals need an innate sense of the power, excitement, and value to society's primary institutions of its practice. This book uses a unique approach combined with engaging... czytaj dalej
W książce dokonano identyfikacji i ewaluacji kluczowych czynników, które zadecydowały o rozwoju gospodarczym państw Azji Południowo-Wschodniej zrzeszonych w ASEAN. Praca dotyczy nie tylko transformacji gospodarczej... czytaj dalej
Książka wprowadza w zagadnienia zintegrowanych systemów informacyjnych wykorzystywanych w jednostkach służby zdrowia. Zawiera podstawy szpitalnego systemu informacyjnego, systemu archiwizacji i transmisji obrazów... czytaj dalej
For the recorded history of management, the world has managed value creation according to what can be seen, touched and proven. In today's knowledge-based economy, value creation is derived primarily from how... czytaj dalej
This streamlined volume covers the principle concepts of management to provide readers with a solid foundation for understanding key issues. Organized around the four traditional functions of management-planning... czytaj dalej
In a no-nonsense way Shut Up and Listen! tackles the nuts and bolts of communication at work with startling honesty and an avalanche of practical tips. The authors views are supported by comment from and impressive... czytaj dalej
The aim of Crafting Labor Policy is to advance labor market reform--which has been referred to as the unfinished economic reform in Latin America--using estimation techniques to answer important labour policy... czytaj dalej
Each book in the series cuts through the jargon and mystique of the financial markets to give the reader a clear picture of how and why these markets function as they do. Key features include: clear definitions... czytaj dalej
Written by best selling author Peter C. Fusaro and renowned energy market expert and commentator Tom James, this book demonstrates that the forces of energy and environmental issues and linked more than ever... czytaj dalej