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An innovative framework for enhancing leadership skills in any situation Businesses today have a vital need to create individuals who can positively and progressively fill leadership roles at every level of... czytaj dalej
Marcel Danesi's outstanding introduction provides a clear guide to brands and brand identity, outlining their historical origins and their increasing centrality in contemporary consumer culture. He introduces:... czytaj dalej
Companies now realize that, while financial integrity and business continuity are still of primary importance, they must be considered alongside the effective management of practical business risks, such as... czytaj dalej
"BDT" takes a business-first approach, starting each chapter by explaining the value of a business initiative and then detailing the technology that enables the initiative. This revolutionary approach... czytaj dalej
Essentials of Corporate Financial Management, 1/eEssentials of Corporate Financial Management supports courses designed to cover the core topics of finance in 15 to 30 hours of lectures. The book is primarily... czytaj dalej
"Managing Financial Risk" is the most authoritative and comprehensive primer ever published for financial professionals who must understand and successfully use derivatives. The previous edition of... czytaj dalej
For undergraduate- or graduate-level courses in Business Forecasting, found in Decision Science or Economic departments.The goal is to present basic statistical techniques that are useful for preparing individual... czytaj dalej
Including contributions from noted international scholars, this collection of papers provides a strong theoretical and empirical underpinning for the discussion of major public policy issues facing Turkey today... czytaj dalej
As the longest economic boom in history has given way to leaner times, unemployment has re-emerged as a major issue. This theoretically and empirically sophisticated book examines how unemployment takes on... czytaj dalej
If all firms face similar obstacles to profitable growth, how do some companies successfully burst through these barriers, leaving their competitors in the dust?Rita Gunther McGrath and Ian C. MacMillan argue... czytaj dalej