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We Got Fired & It's the Best Thing That Ever
H. MacKay Wydawnictwo: inne

No fight left? No future? Does the handwriting on the wall say utter failure?  Harvey Mackay, one of the world#8217;s best-selling motivational and business authors tells you why it isn#8217;t so. He reveals... czytaj dalej

Eureka Effect The Art & Logic of Breakthrough Thinking
D. Perkins Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From Archimedes' discovery of the principle of water displacement to Einstein's Theory of Relativity; from Brunelleschi's development of perspective drawing to the Impressionist revolution; from the taming... czytaj dalej

Riverside Milton
Flannagan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The first one-volume anthology of John Milton's complete poetry and selected prose to be published in over 30 years, The Riverside Milton reflects the highest quality and most current scholarship. As editor... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of Buddhism
Prebish Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book reflects the current state of scholarship in Buddhist Studies, its entries being written by specialists in many areas, presenting an accurate overview of Buddhist history, thought and practices, most... czytaj dalej

Bugs for Lunch
Margery Facklam Wydawnictwo: brak danych

You might be a bat, a bear, a spider, or a shrew...or you might just be you! Children will enjoy learning about a variety of insectivorous creatures (bug-eaters) presented here in simple verse and beautifully... czytaj dalej

Wind in the Willows
Miles Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Scholastic Junior Classics are adapted or retold to allow younger children to enjoy and appreciate classic stories from the 19th and 2th centuries.... czytaj dalej

13 Scary Chost Stories
M. Carus Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Readers will meet thirteen ghosts, werewolves, skeletons, and other creepy characters in this spine-tingling collection of scary stories. In these tales, no place is safe - a ghost could appear in a crowded... czytaj dalej

First Graders from MARS #3 Nergal & the Great Space Race
S. Corey Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The first graders of Pod 1 are buzzing: It's Martian Health Week! They are learning about the 450 food groups. They are practicing for the space race. Only poor Nergal is so nervous he ties himself into knots... czytaj dalej

Scholastic Kid's Almanac Revised
Georgian Bay Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Featuring a new design with updated 3D graphics and section openers, this is a reference no school-aged child should be without. More than 50 topics come to life -- from Aerospace to the Zodiac. Fascinating... czytaj dalej

Speedy Facts Hurricanes Have Eyes But Can't See
M. Berqer Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Did you know that hailstorms can have stones as big as grapefruits? Or that the record life of a tornado is nine hours? This book is like having Al Roker as your teacher.... czytaj dalej