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Go Tell on Mountain
J. Baldwin Wydawnictwo: brak danych

James Baldwin's stunning first novel is now an  American classic. With startling realism that brings  Harlem and the black experience vividly to life,  this is a work that touches the heart with emotion  while... czytaj dalej

Liver Disease Diagnosis & Management
B. Bacon Wydawnictwo: inne

Edited by two internationally known and respected hepatologists, this new resource examines the important concepts, principles, and facts needed for the daily care and management of liver disease patients.... czytaj dalej

Tutorials in Differential Diagnosis 4e
Souhami Wydawnictwo: inne

This is an original and successful text which provides a series of tutorials in the problem-based approach to clinical medicine, as against the more common disease-based emphasis of most textbooks. It covers... czytaj dalej

Self-Assessment in Integrated Medical Sciences
W. Leung Wydawnictwo: inne

This self-assessment book for medical students taking the systems-based courses, contains MCQ, structured answer and data interpretation questions. It covers basic scientific material - both body systems and... czytaj dalej

Churchill's Pocketbook of Intensive Care
Whiteley Wydawnictwo: inne

A pocketbook of intensive care for junior doctors/residents working on the intensive care unit.Clear and straightforward advice on management of conditions found in ITU, including instruction on when to seek... czytaj dalej

Ophthalmology In Focus
Kanski Wydawnictwo: inne

In Focus Ophthalmology is aimed at all medical and health science students who require an introductory, low cost and highly illustrated guide to this specialty. The material is presented in double page spreads... czytaj dalej

Understanding UMTS Radio Network Modelling
W. Nawrocki Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book sets out to provide the theoretical foundations that will enable radio network planners to plan model and optimize radio networks using state-of-the-art findings from around the globe. It adopts a... czytaj dalej

Palaeohydrology Understanding Global Change
Gregory Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With considerable interest in global change, this topical book provides a general overview of global paleohydrology. The first section provides a global review of the field by exploring real world hydrological... czytaj dalej

Wideband TDD WCDMA for the Unpaired Spectrum
Chitrapu Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Written in an accessible manner this book will be highly popular with engineering and technical marketing professionals from network operators, mobile equipment and component manufacturers, as well as industry... czytaj dalej

Statistical Methods for Dose-Finding Studies
S. Chevret Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Dose-finding experiments define the safe dosage of a drug in development, in terms of the quantity given to a patient. Statistical methods play a crucial role in identifying optimal dosage. Used appropriately... czytaj dalej