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Intermediate German
H. Schenke Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Intermediate German is designed for learners who have achieved basic proficiency and now wish to progress to more complex language. Each of the units combines concise grammar explanations with examples and... czytaj dalej

Commonsense Methods for Children with Special Educational Ne
P. Westwood Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This new edition of this successful title provides teachers with an immediate and comprehensive source of practical strategies for meeting children's special needs in regular classrooms.Fully revised and updated... czytaj dalej

Yao Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Taking ideas and frameworks from philosophy, psychology, political science, cultural studies and anthropology, this book tells the larger ‘truth’ about the Singapore state. This book argues that this strong... czytaj dalej

Computer Science An Overview With Objects First with Java
J. Brookshear Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This value pack is made up with the following three books:Brookshear - Computer Science (ISBN 9780321434456) 9/e, Barnes - Objects First With Java 3/e (ISBN 9780131976290) and Ince - Business Information Systems... czytaj dalej

Barrons Pocket Factbook Weather
M. Bright Wydawnictwo:

How do hurricanes form? Where is the worlds hottest location? Which American city has the largest average snowfall? Readers can find facts on major hurricanes and typhoons of recent decades and the tracks they... czytaj dalej

Cambridge Companion to Horace
S. Harrison Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Horace is a central author in Latin literature. His work spans a wide range of genres, from iambus to satire, and odes to literary epistle, and he is just as much at home writing about love and wine as he is... czytaj dalej

Contesting the Saudi State
al-Rasheed Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The terms Wahhabi or Salafi are seen as interchangeable and frequently misunderstood by outsiders. However, as Madawi al-Rasheed explains in a fascinating exploration of Saudi Arabia in the twenty-first century... czytaj dalej

P. Hubbard Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Though always at the heart of discussions in social theory, the definition and specification of 'the city' remains illusive. Here, Hubbard’s fascinating book locates the concept of 'the city' within current... czytaj dalej

Debuggers Handbook
F. Dimarzio Wydawnictwo: inne

Explains how to make the right decisions during the design process to improve the chances of writing bug-free codeIncludes quizzes and exercises at the end of each chapter that test understanding and offer... czytaj dalej

T. Holland Wydawnictwo: inne

'The Secret History of Lord Byron' - a chilling and utterly compelling gothic fantasy... czytaj dalej